Meet Information
Participants will get 3 attempts in the Discus
Throw, Long Jump, Shot Put, and Triple Jump. No finals.
Session I:
4:30 PM
Girls Discus
Boys Shot Put
Girls Long Jump, boys Triple jump
There will be no Pole Vault
High Jump (Boys followed by girls; Important
note: We are starting boys first in the High Jump)
Session II:
5:15 PM 300h
5:30 pm 4X 800
Boys Discus
Girls Shot Put
Girls Triple Jump, Boys Long jump
be girls followed by boys. We will follow a rolling schedule for the running.
6:00 PM 4X100 Meter Relay
1600 Meter Run
400 Meter Dash
100 Meter Dash
Girls' 100 Meter High Hurdles (33")
Boys' 110 Meter High Hurdles
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Dash
3200 Meter Run
4X400 Meter