Meet Information
Mill Creek 9th & 10th Grade Invitational
Payment Information
Entry fee is $100 per gender $200 for full teams.Make checks payable to Mill Creek Track Booster Club. Mail toMill Creek High School Attention Will Shelton 4400 Braselton Highway, Hoschton, GA, 30548. Or brought to the coaches meeting before the startof the meet
9th and 10th grade athletes ONLY. Please make sure all athletes are entered properly on team roster.
Graduation year is a required field.
Entries:3 athletes per event and 1 relay
2. All heats are heats on time with the Fast Heat last. Please send in accurate andverifiable times if at all possible.
3. All competitors will report to the clerk of course by the second call for their event. The clerk of course will be located outside the track in the first curve. They will get hip numbers, and lane assignments at this time.
4. Purchase tickets on GoFan.
5. Mill Creek will furnish all event judges therefore no coach or non-participant should be inside the track or competition areas.
6. Electronics are not allowed in the competitive area. Check with field event officialabout video area for filming and for viewing.
7. Pole Vaulter verification forms must be turned in before athletes can jump.
Meet Schedule
Boys & Girls Shot Put
Girls Long Jump (gold runway) Girls Triple Jump to follow
Boys Long Jump (red runway) Boys Triple Jump to follow
Girls High Jump followed by Boys High Jump
Girls Pole Vault, Boys Pole Vault
Boys & Girls Discus (following shot put )
4 x 800m Relay
Girls 100H
Boys 110H
100m Dash
4 x 200m Relay
4 x 100m Relay
400m Dash
200m Dash
4 x 400m Relay