Meet Information
Paulding County Invitational sponsored by West Metro Driving School
September 4, 2021
7:30am Team check in/packet pick up
7:45- 8am Coaches' meeting at Race HQ
8:05-8:35am Boys Varsity (Max Runners Top 10) $75
8:45-9:15am Girls Varsity (Max Runners Top 10) $75
9:30-10am Boys JV (Unlimited) $50
10:10-10:40am Girls JV (Unlimited) $50
Race surface is a mix of grass, concrete, and gravel (NO race spikes)
Medals will be given to the Top 5 in each race.
No additions - No Changes - No Refunds
Additional Information
Make checks payable to:
P.O. Box 912
Dallas, GA 30132
Meet Director: David Devey (
$5 Admission. Please tell all parents and spectators. Cash is preferred. Parking with be at Mulberry Rock Park. When pulling in, go to the left and park around the back parking lot.