Meet Information
This is by Invitation only! Chapel Hill Middle School, Chestnut Log and Stewart Middle School athletes only!
Please DO NOT get to CHHS before 4:30pm. This would cause traffic problems.
Shot Put and Discus are located on the practice football field below the baseball/softball field
Concessions will not be available. Please bring your own food and drink.
Restrooms are available but the amount of people entering at one time should be limited.
***Social distancing will occur. Visiting Team(s) will occupy the Home bleachers. The bleachers are taped with gray squares. Disregard the faded tape "lines". Each person MUST occupy their own square. Parents with small children can double up if they are "under school aged" children. ***
All Athletes and spectators please report straight to the bleachers until called over the loud speaker to report to field event with the exception of the Shot put and Discus. They should go straight there since it is behind the softball and baseball fields(which are not in the actual stadium) PLEASE TELL YOUR ATHLETES AND PARENTS!!!
Field Events will be checked in and warmed up by 4:45pm if possible.
FIELD EVENTS ***Due to Covid CHMS will provide guidelines for each team competing. Please do NOT report until Coach Lougher has spoken with each Head Coach!!!***
Order of Running events: Clerking will occur on the field at the designated area. ***Warm up areas will be discussed and designated specifically for each team.*** A coaches meeting will occur to determine where this will take place.
***ABSOLUTELY NO ATHLETE WILL BE AT A FIELD EVENT OR ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD OR ON THE TRACK THAT IS NOT COMPETITING!!! Warm-ups will not take place on the track but in designated areas on the football field. PLEASE MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS AWARE OF THIS!!!***
Girls will always run first heats!
4x100 relay
100/110 hurdles
300m Hurdles and 3200m will go on at the same time. 300m Hurdles will be in lanes 4-6. 3200m will be in lane 1-2.
4x400m Relay