Meet Information
Age Groups: U8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-15 (age control date 12/31/21)
Awards:Relays: Awards for first place team Individual Events: Medals awarded to first place in each age group, ribbons to places 2 & 3
Heats & Flights: Will be drawn after entry deadline. Age groups may be combined, but results will be separated. OK to age-up in relays.
Field Event Start Time-2:00 pm
Field Session 1:
Long Jump - Boys
Discus (1k, 11 and older)*
High Jump (9 and older)
Field Session 2
Long Jump - Girls
Standing LJ (at completion of LJ)
Shot put (2k U8, 9+ 6 lb)
Turbo Javelin (300g 10 & under, 400g 11-12, 600g 13+)
3:30 pm Running Events: Will begin at 3:30 or at the completion of field events, whichever comes first. Athletes should leave field event and report to running event when called. Return to field event within 10 minutes of completing running event to complete attempts.
(Rolling Schedule)
3200m run (all ages)
Hurdles will start after first lap of 3200
80 meter hurdle shuttle relay (all ages) Mixed age groups. 30" hurdles and 24" hurdles will be in alternating lanes, so leg one, runners 11+ (over 30" hurdles), leg 2 runners U8-10 (over 24" hurdles in the opposite direction) leg three, runners 11+ (over 30" hurdles), leg 4 eg 2 runners U8-10 in opposite direction.
400m (all ages)
Sprint Medley (100, 100, 200, 400) (all ages)
4x800m (all ages)
100m (all ages)
1600m (all ages)
4x200m (all ages)
Contact Rachel Hopkins at for more information.