Meet Information
Mill Creek 9th & 10th Grade Invitational
March 2, 2021
9th and 10th grade athletes ONLY please make sure all athletes are entered
properly on team roster. Grad yr is a required field.
1. Competitors will warm up outside the track. No warm-ups on the track will be
allowed once the running events start. Warm up on the practice field adjacent
to the track and at the Middle school; please be aware that soccer practice may
be in session.
2. The top eight competitors will receive Awards following the completion of
the meet. (1-4 medals and 5-8 ribbons). Coaches may pick up their packets
following the last event. Top three teams will receive trophies.
3. All heats are heats on time with the Fast Heat last. Please send in accurate
and verifiable times if at all possible.
4. Entry fees are $70 per team or $120
for School. Payment will be made by mail to Mill Creek Track and Field
Booster Club, Mill Creek High School Attention Rik Moore 4400 Braselton
Highway, Hoschton, GA, 30548, or brought to the coaches meeting before the
start of the meet.
5. All participants in the shot put and the discus should wear flat, rubber
soled shoes. 1/4 inch pyramid spikes, 1/8 inch pyramids preferred.
6. All competitors will report to the clerk of course by the second call for
his event. The clerk of course will be located outside the track in the first
curve. They will get hip numbers, and lane assignments at this time.
8. Event boards for all field events
9. Mill Creek will furnish all event judges therefore no coach or non-participant
should be inside the track or competition areas.
10. Electronics are not allowed in the competitive area. Check with field event
official about video area for filming and for viewing.
11. Pole Vaulter verification forms must be turned in before athletes can jump.
12. Each team may enter 1 relay team and 3 individuals in each event
13. This is a 9th and 10th grade meet,
and is ONLY for 9th and 10th graders
9th and 10th grade athletes only
All races girls followed by boys
Field event schedule
Boys discus Girls discus
Girls jump jump (gold runway) Girls triple to follow
Boys long jump (red runway) Boys triple to follow
Girls High Jump followed by boys high jump
Boys pole vault blue pit girls pole vault red pit
Boys shot Girls shot
Meet Schedule
4:15pm 4x800
100 Hurdles
110 Hurdles
300 Hurdles
All races girls followed by boys