Meet Information
2021 Cambridge High School
Date: Wednesday, April 14th @ 4:30 pm @ Cambridge High School
Entries: ENTRY DEADLINE: 4/11/21 @7:00 PM. Meet allows for unlimited entries in all individual events and two relay teams in the 4x100 and 4x400. We will allow scratches and substitutions only the day of the meet NO ADDITIONS. For field events, we will allow 3 attempts.
Scoring: There will be no awards at this meet. Scoring (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Entry fee: Ticket sales will be handled digitally through GoFan. Links will be sent to attending school not later than Tuesday, April 15th.
Concession: Concession stand will be open selling hot and cold dinner, snack, and drink items (pre-packaged to comply with current COVID restrictions). Payment by credit/debit CARD is preferred; however, we will accept cash on a limited basis. Food Truck(s) will also be available with full-service menu. Fulton County guidelines for Covid-19 food distribution will be followed. Attending teams please make sure you bring bottled water. Meet guidelines from Fulton County will not allow access to water filling stations in the infield for athletes to use.
Athletes: GHSA rules: A contestant in Track and Field may compete in a maximum of four (4) events and may not be entered in more than four events, excluding relays. If a contestant is entered in more than the allowable number of events, meet management shall scratch the contestant from the excess event(s) by following the listed Order of Events.
Date: Wednesday, April 14th @ 4:30 pm @ Cambridge High School
Entries: ENTRY DEADLINE: 4/11/21 @7:00 PM. Meet allows for unlimited entries in all individual events and two relay teams in the 4x100 and 4x400. We will allow scratches and substitutions only the day of the meet NO ADDITIONS. For field events, we will allow 3 attempts.
Scoring: There will be no awards at this meet. Scoring (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Entry fee: Ticket sales will be handled digitally through GoFan. Links will be sent to attending school not later than Tuesday, April 15th.
Concession: Concession stand will be open selling hot and cold dinner, snack, and drink items (pre-packaged to comply with current COVID restrictions). Payment by credit/debit CARD is preferred; however, we will accept cash on a limited basis. Food Truck(s) will also be available with full-service menu. Fulton County guidelines for Covid-19 food distribution will be followed. Attending teams please make sure you bring bottled water. Meet guidelines from Fulton County will not allow access to water filling stations in the infield for athletes to use.
Athletes: GHSA rules: A contestant in Track and Field may compete in a maximum of four (4) events and may not be entered in more than four events, excluding relays. If a contestant is entered in more than the allowable number of events, meet management shall scratch the contestant from the excess event(s) by following the listed Order of Events.
A contestant may officially compete in:
1. Four individual events - NO Relay events.
1. Four individual events - NO Relay events.
2. Three individual events - May be listed on any number of relay events but compete in only one relay event.
3. Two individual events - May be listed on any number of relay events but compete in only two relay events.
4. One individual event - May be listed on all three relay events and compete in all three relay events.
Meet Schedule:
4:00pm: Gates open
4:10pm: Welcome, Opening Announcements and National Anthem
4:15pm: Athlete check-in begins
4:20pm: Coaches Meeting (check-in tent)
4:30pm: Field Events
Girls Shot Put/Boys Discus
Boys Long Jump
Girls Long Jump
Girls Pole Vault/Boys High Jump
Field Events (upon completion of previous event)
Girls Discus/Boys Shot Put
Girls Triple Jump
Boys Triple Jump
Boys Pole Vault/Girls High Jump
4:45pm: Girls 4x800 followed by Boys 4x800
5:15pm: Boys and Girls 3200
5:35pm: Senior Recognitions
5:55pm: Rolling Schedule
4x100 Relay
` 100H/110H
10-minute delay (if necessary)
4x400 Relay//
4:00pm: Gates open
4:10pm: Welcome, Opening Announcements and National Anthem
4:15pm: Athlete check-in begins
4:20pm: Coaches Meeting (check-in tent)
4:30pm: Field Events
Girls Shot Put/Boys Discus
Boys Long Jump
Girls Long Jump
Girls Pole Vault/Boys High Jump
Field Events (upon completion of previous event)
Girls Discus/Boys Shot Put
Girls Triple Jump
Boys Triple Jump
Boys Pole Vault/Girls High Jump
4:45pm: Girls 4x800 followed by Boys 4x800
5:15pm: Boys and Girls 3200
5:35pm: Senior Recognitions
5:55pm: Rolling Schedule
4x100 Relay
` 100H/110H
10-minute delay (if necessary)
4x400 Relay//