Meet Information
Entries Per Event: Each school is allowed 3 entries for all field events
and open track races. All Relays are 2 teams from each school.
5 places will score (8-6-4-2-1).
Timing: All
timing will be conducted by Greenbrier High School.
All athletes limited to any 4 events (including relays)
All athletes must check-in with the clerk in a timely manner. If an athlete misses their check in they will not be allowed to run their race.
of Events: Rolling Schedule
Boys High Jump followed by Girls High Jump
Girls Long Jump followed by Girls Triple Jump
Boys Long Jump followed by Boys Triple Jump
Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys Pole Vault
Girls Shot Put followed by Boys Shot Put
Boys Discus followed by Girls Discus
3200m Run
4x800m Relay
Upon the competition of most field events:
4x100m Relay
1600m Run
400m Run
100m Dash
Girls 100m Hurdles
Boy 110 M Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
300m Hurdles
4x400m Relay
Columbia County Board of Education COVID-19 Protocols for track meets:
1. Social distancing is mandatory. Because of this, we are
asking spectators to bring chairs. Face coverings are required to sit in
the bleachers. Refusal may result in removal from the facility.
2. Face covering must be worn during any transition (to/from parking lot, to/from restrooms, to/from concessions, to/from field).
3. The infield will be opened only to people participating in an event. Coaches and officials on the infield must have a mask on.
4. Spectators, athletes, and coaches are expected to stay at home if they have COVID-like symptoms, such as fatigue, headache, cough, sore throat, nausea, loss of taste and smell, body aches, and/or a temperature greater than 100.4 degrees.
5. Hand sanitizer will be available for athletes and coaches before, during, and after track meets. Athletes/coaches should wash their hands often.
6. Athletes will be required to use hand sanitizer immediately before and after using blocks or any shared equipment.
7. Non-family units should stay 6 feet apart.
Contact Coach Cutler at for the password or if you have question.