Meet Information
This track meet will be running events only! It will start at 3:30 pm with a coaches scratch meeting held at the start/finish line and we will begin running at 3:45 pm. Since this is an early track meet we are allowing you to enter several athletes in each event(Only two relay teams & no more than 2 athletes from your school per individual event) so that you will get a chance to see where you can place certain athletes. We will not score the meet but first place finishers will be awarded a Friday Night Lights Champion tshirt for each event. The meet will have an automatic timing system and we will be charging $50 a team or if you are bringing a girls and boys team we will only charge you $75. 13 team limit!
Running Events:
3200 (boys)
4x100 relay
100/110 H
4x400 relay