Perfect Timing Group - Contractor License HY-TEK's Meet Manager
Metro 10 Cross Country Championship - 10/8/2019
St. Francis MS
Last Completed Event
Event 3 MS Girls 2 Mile Run CC
Name Year School Finals Points
Results - Women 2 Mile Run
1 Ray, Carson W Mount Bethel 17:39.76 1
2 Iverson, Katy-Grace W Whitefield A 17:45.68 2
3 King, Ansley W The Mount Ve 18:51.32 3
4 Ziglar, Jordyn W Whitefield A 18:54.68 4
5 Caudill, Caroline W King's Ridge 19:02.93
6 Yang, Christina W Whitefield A 19:05.41 5
7 Wilson, Reece W Mount Bethel 19:17.12 6
8 Weeks, Maggie W Mount Bethel 19:40.19 7
9 Flack, Emma W Mount Bethel 20:03.44 8
10 Floyd, Vera W King's Ridge 20:17.72
11 Worley, Suzannah W Mount Paran 20:19.50
12 Skardasis, Stella W Fellowship C 20:20.90
13 Alarcon, Ellie W Mount Bethel 20:45.22 9
14 Peterson, Grace Anne W Fellowship C 20:49.31
15 Goodson, Annabelle W The Mount Ve 20:50.25 10
16 Springer, Gretchen W The Mount Ve 21:01.89 11
17 Lenczowski, Elle W Whitefield A 21:17.24 12
18 Duckett, Retta W The Mount Ve 21:17.65 13
19 Thompson, Emily W The Mount Ve 21:30.21 14
20 Knolle, Ella W St. Francis MS 21:37.28
21 Ngigi, Njeri W Mount Paran 21:48.85
22 James, Mily W Whitefield A 21:55.30 15
23 Stanford, Abby W The Mount Ve 22:15.62 16
24 Meeks, Katherine W Pinecrest Academy 22:21.00
25 Prevost, Parker W Mount Bethel 22:47.41 17
26 Gregory, Anna W King's Ridge 22:50.06
27 Bolton, Annabelle W The Mount Ve 24:13.90 18
28 Newman, Alexa W Pinecrest Academy 24:22.87
29 Welin, Malou W The Mount Ve 25:12.42
30 Cook, Katie W The Mount Ve 25:12.43
31 Gravely, Taylor W The Mount Ve 25:15.52
32 Guy, Hallie W Mount Bethel 25:18.02 19
33 Ruppel, Camryn W Mount Paran 25:37.67
34 Robinson, Katie W The Mount Ve 25:48.09
35 Gehrts, Megan W Pinecrest Academy 26:25.62
Event 3 MS Boys 2 Mile Run CC
Name Year School Finals Points
Results - Men 2 Mile Run
1 Nolan, Grant M Mount Bethel 15:01.41 1
2 Crews, John M Whitefield A 15:18.96 2
3 Zachok, David M King's Ridge 15:28.41 3
4 Sacca, Will M King's Ridge 15:34.77 4
5 Kittredge, Nate M King's Ridge 15:38.97 5
6 Miller, Bryden M King's Ridge 15:41.65 6
7 Sedji, Dylan M Mount Pisgah 15:49.17 7
8 Dunkerley, Jedson M The Mount Ve 15:54.34 8
9 Gandy, Charlie M Mount Bethel 15:54.68 9
10 Flynn, Haris M The Mount Ve 16:00.28 10
11 Stoller, Brock M Mount Bethel 16:09.80 11
12 Papenhagen, Mack M Mount Bethel 16:22.99 12
13 Bradford, Harris M The Mount Ve 16:29.14 13
14 Hoyal, Landron M The Mount Ve 16:30.89 14
15 Campbell, Andrew M Whitefield A 16:33.39 15
16 Simmons, Jonathan M Fellowship C 16:34.61 16
17 Kendall, Luke M The Mount Ve 16:37.50 17
18 Cavaciuti, Christian M Mount Paran 16:38.92 18
19 Holland, Will M Whitefield A 16:39.46 19
20 Young, Devin M Whitefield A 16:41.54 20
21 Perry, Colton M King's Ridge 16:41.55 21
22 Chapman, James M Whitefield A 16:41.86 22
23 Prinzo, Tyler M Mount Pisgah 16:43.51 23
24 Floyd, Barrett M King's Ridge 16:44.68 24
25 Hodges, Jake M The Mount Ve 16:56.48 25
26 Salvatierra, Carson M King's Ridge 16:59.44 26
27 Houston, Larkin M The Mount Ve 17:04.01 27
28 Sparks, Nathan M Mount Bethel 17:05.56 28
29 Hudson, Drew M King's Ridge 17:06.69
30 Rogers, Luke M Mount Bethel 17:13.54 29
31 Lemming, Tripp M Mount Bethel 17:14.21 30
32 Scotchie, Jackson M The Mount Ve 17:14.41
33 Garrot, Andrew M Mount Bethel 17:17.99
34 Kelly, Bennett M The Mount Ve 17:27.97
35 Stephen, Jeron M Mount Pisgah 17:31.37 31
36 Plunkett, Ben M Mount Pisgah 17:31.52 32
37 Dimmock, Holt M The Mount Ve 17:34.63
38 Ryan, Caleb M Whitefield A 17:42.97 33
39 Cavaciuti, Coleston M Mount Paran 17:45.68 34
40 Baughan, James M Walker 17:47.94 35
41 Meadows, Noah M Mount Pisgah 17:51.32 36
42 Springthorpe, Jack M Mount Bethel 17:58.59
43 Pannell, Charlie M Whitefield A 18:05.50 37
44 Marino, Jack M Mount Paran 18:11.79 38
45 Fahlbusch, Chip M The Mount Ve 18:12.16
46 Moore, Davis M The Mount Ve 18:13.38
47 Velascuez, Lucas M Fellowship C 18:17.68 39
48 Leonardi, Cooper M Walker 18:18.55 40
49 Johnson, Daniel M Whitefield A 18:21.78
50 Rhea, Daniel M Mount Bethel 18:22.10
51 Connelly, Fin M The Mount Ve 18:27.25
52 Powell, Mason M King's Ridge 18:35.41
53 Wade, Robert M Fellowship C 18:37.24 41
54 Quinalty, Calvin M Walker 18:52.93 42
55 Kown, Jensen M Walker 18:55.22 43
56 Brooks, Sam M The Mount Ve 19:13.15
57 Holloway, Liam M Fellowship C 19:13.55 44
58 Turner, Dutch M Mount Bethel 19:14.56
59 Jones, Matthew M Mount Paran 19:21.27 45
60 Odom, Tyler M Mount Paran 19:22.17 46
61 Jansen, Hamilton M King's Ridge 19:25.63
62 Chasman, Maddox M The Mount Ve 19:28.34
63 Geshey, Nicholas M Mount Bethel 19:36.95
64 Cottingham, Will M Mount Paran 19:40.44 47
65 Jackson, Bobby M Whitefield A 19:43.96
66 Mishra, Dru M Walker 19:45.80 48
67 Jones, Michael M Mount Paran 19:49.14 49
68 Haverdink, Henry M Mount Pisgah 19:51.83 50
69 Foster, Christian M The Mount Ve 19:51.97
70 Perkins, Jack M Fellowship C 19:52.77 51
71 Bridges, Patrick M The Mount Ve 19:58.43
72 Tejedor, Nicolas M Walker 20:01.45 52
73 Driggers, Clay M Mount Paran 20:07.96
74 Kohrman, Luke M King's Ridge 20:08.06
75 Satterly, Holden M King's Ridge 20:15.65
76 Welin, Lex M The Mount Ve 20:16.13
77 Hamilton, David M Mount Paran 20:19.89
78 Garlinghouse, Rex M The Mount Ve 20:22.81
79 Abnet, Nathan M Mount Paran 20:31.31
80 McCabe, Cooper M Mount Paran 20:31.92
81 McClung, Holden M Fellowship C 20:33.23 53
82 Light, Riley M Walker 20:35.46 54
83 Gasque, Baker M Fellowship C 20:35.86 55
84 Charlton, Michael M Mount Pisgah 20:39.62 56
85 Campbell, Caleb M The Mount Ve 20:41.11
86 Brown, Simon M Mount Bethel 20:46.71
87 Kopkas, Charlie M Mount Bethel 20:55.65
88 Huang, Zachary M Walker 20:56.27
89 Papov, Maxim M Mount Pisgah 20:59.96
90 Schweninger, Nick M The Mount Ve 21:11.15
91 Streck, Trey M The Mount Ve 21:12.98
92 Norwood, Jackson M Mount Pisgah 21:20.11
93 Bodine, Jesie M The Mount Ve 21:22.07
94 Chester, Aaron M Fellowship C 21:35.28
95 White, Jacob M The Mount Ve 21:45.01
96 Rutecky, Trey M The Mount Ve 21:46.65
97 Johnson, Jaedon M Mount Pisgah 22:02.13
98 Prevost, Mason M Mount Bethel 22:11.54
99 Willoughby, Jacob M Mount Paran 22:12.03
100 Abnet, Alex M Mount Paran 22:20.87
101 Pedro, Blake M Fellowship C 22:24.82
102 Mobley, Harrison M Mount Bethel 22:30.68
103 Foley, Evan M Whitefield A 22:40.15
104 Medebem, Gabriel M Mount Pisgah 22:47.66
105 Dunn, Moses-Elijah M Mount Pisgah 23:00.50
106 Wolf, Kyle M Pinecrest Academy 23:09.40
107 Baughman, Reid M King's Ridge 23:12.37
108 Lott, Boone M Mount Bethel 23:13.92
109 Parham, Will M Mount Paran 23:37.77
110 Berg, Ian M Fellowship C 23:39.23
111 Spradling, Anthony M Walker 24:00.28
112 Marsa, Dawe M Mount Pisgah 24:12.11
113 Adams, Noah M Mount Paran 24:56.19
114 Paas, Bo M Mount Paran 24:58.10
115 Clay, Matthew M North Cobb C 24:58.31
116 Monge, Nathan M Mount Pisgah 25:05.18
117 Grossweiler, Alec M Whitefield A 25:30.07
118 Burris, Carson M North Cobb C 25:57.87
119 Bolivar, Sebastian M Mount Paran 26:10.71
120 Sila, Jonathon M Mount Pisgah 26:18.52
121 Opoku-Mensah, Michael M Walker 27:59.83
Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
Results - Men 2Mile Mile Run
1 King's Ridge Christian Sc 39 3 4 5 6 21 24 26
Total Time: 1:19:05.35
Average: 15:49.07
2 Mount Bethel Christian 61 1 9 11 12 28 29 30
Total Time: 1:20:34.44
Average: 16:06.89
3 The Mount Vernon School 62 8 10 13 14 17 25 27
Total Time: 1:21:32.15
Average: 16:18.43
4 Whitefield Academy MS 78 2 15 19 20 22 33 37
Total Time: 1:21:55.21
Average: 16:23.05
5 Mount Pisgah Christian Sc 129 7 23 31 32 36 50 56
Total Time: 1:25:26.89
Average: 17:05.38
6 Mount Paran Christian Sch 181 18 34 38 45 46 47 49
Total Time: 1:31:19.83
Average: 18:15.97
7 Fellowship Christian Scho 191 16 39 41 44 51 53 55
Total Time: 1:32:35.85
Average: 18:31.17
8 Walker 208 35 40 42 43 48 52 54
Total Time: 1:33:40.44
Average: 18:44.09
Results - Women 2Mile Mile Run
1 Mount Bethel Christian 31 1 6 7 8 9 17 19
Total Time: 1:37:25.73
Average: 19:29.15
2 Whitefield Academy MS 38 2 4 5 12 15
Total Time: 1:38:58.31
Average: 19:47.67
3 The Mount Vernon School 51 3 10 11 13 14 16 18
Total Time: 1:43:31.32
Average: 20:42.27