Family Affair 2019

Atlanta, GA
Hosted by Galloway

Results - 2 Miles

Licensed to Perfect Timing Group - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 8/17/2019 11:32 AM
                 Scots and Angoras' Family Affair - 8/17/2019                  
Girls 2 Mile Run V and JV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Anderson, Alandra            Galloway              14:04.15  
  2 Woods, Zoi                   Clarkston             14:32.38  
  3 Bellany, Chantez             Clarkston             16:23.02  
  4 Ingabire, Diane              Clarkston             17:50.19  
  5 Tuyambaze, Rachel            Clarkston             18:13.86  
  6 Ishimwe, Chantel             Clarkston             18:47.91  
  7 Nyampinga, Solange           Clarkston             18:49.32  
  8 Raschid Farrokhi, Ariana     Galloway              18:51.85  
  9 Seligman, Sarah-Anne         Galloway              19:30.68  
 10 Mukeshimana, Mbabazi         Clarkston             20:12.48  
Boys 2 Mile Run V
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Barge, Thaddee               Clarkston             10:44.16  
  2 Ibrahim, Firomsa             Clarkston             10:55.26  
  3 Salhu, Hafton                Clarkston             11:32.12  
  4 Kopitsky, Caleb              Galloway              11:51.31  
  5 Mfitumukiza, Innocent        Clarkston             11:54.22  
  6 Abatie, Degene               Clarkston             12:25.47  
  7 Cully, Michael               Galloway              12:41.00  
  8 Mills, Cooper                Galloway              12:54.10  
  9 Sokoloff, Noah               Galloway              13:15.43  
Boys 2 Mile Run JV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Leonard, Gilbert             Clarkston             12:33.09  
  2 O'Kelly, Ethan               Galloway              12:47.93  
  3 Niyonzima, Samuel            Clarkston             12:49.37  
  4 Matelic, Max                 Galloway              14:05.23  
  5 Ioannides, Nicholas          Galloway              15:33.36  
  6 Lyday, Nathan                Galloway              16:05.85  
  7 Crawford, Edward             Galloway              16:11.54  
  8 Mahoney, Aiden               Galloway              16:40.63  
  9 Haimes, Jasper               Galloway              18:46.24