Berry High School Invitational 2008

Berry, GA

Boys JV Converted

 Boys Junior Varsity Open Race
        The Clara Bowl 2008     
  High School Cross Country Invitational 5K Run
         at Berry College      
       Berry College  Rome GA. 
     Saturday September 6  2008
(includes only those athletes with known school)

     GATFXC Cross Country meet results spreadsheet. v1.1a  
HS Boys 5K Run (JV)
     Name                         Year Team                       Finals   Points 
   1 Bennett, Landry                   Creekview                   17:39       
  17 Salvatiera, Alex                  Milton                      19:00       
  18 Machan, Anthony                   Milton                      19:00       
  19 Halls, Brandon                    Milton                      19:01       
  20 Barris, Andrew                    Milton                      19:02       
  21 Pack, Brian                       Chattahoochee               19:06       
  22 Hirschi, Jody                     Milton                      19:07       
  24 Armistead, Steed                  Etowah                      19:08       
  26 Mackley, Derek                    Chattahoochee               19:14       
  48 Chernick, Chris                   Milton                      19:45       
  54 Guilbault, Ryan                   Milton                      19:54       
  62 Hildebrandt, Curtis               Milton                      19:59       
  64 Whisner, Brad                     Chattahoochee               20:02       
  65 Hasslinger, David                 Milton                      20:04       
  66 Raffaele, Louis                   Chattahoochee               20:04       
  69 Easterling, John Britt            Milton                      20:07       
  73 Foley, Matt                       Milton                      20:11       
  77 Reese, Collin                     Chattahoochee               20:15       
  80 Green, Kevin                      Etowah                      20:18       
  86 Irish, Kevin                      Milton                      20:23       
  93 Haley, Patrick                    Chattahoochee               20:29       
  95 Richer, Mark                      Chattahoochee               20:29       
  96 Nedrow, Chase                     Milton                      20:29       
 100 Jackson, Justin                   Milton                      20:32       
 109 Sherak, Sam                       Chattahoochee               20:40       
 111 McCall, Jared                     Chattahoochee               20:43       
 119 Fuller, Eric                      Etowah                      20:49       
 124 Basilio, Robert                   Chattahoochee               20:51       
 126 Finley, Byers                     Habersham Central           20:52       
 128 Gurrero, Daniel                   Etowah                      20:53       
 129 Loudin, Matt                      Etowah                      20:54       
 130 Burger, Alston                    Chattahoochee               20:55       
 131 Schroer, Alex                     Milton                      20:56       
 132 Schmidt, Travis                   Milton                      20:56       
 136 Brandus, Chris                    Milton                      20:59       
 148 Chu, Alexander                    Chattahoochee               21:04       
 150 Ladaga, John                      Milton                      21:05       
 152 Baker, David                      Chattahoochee               21:05       
 153 Gutlery, Boyd                     Milton                      21:06       
 154 Mowry, Andrew                     Milton                      21:06       
 155 Brandino, Steven                  Milton                      21:07       
 157 Ball, Zach                        Etowah                      21:07       
 161 Thornton, Kyle                    Chattahoochee               21:12       
 177 Hirschi, Westin                   Milton                      21:25       
 181 Patty, Forrest                    Milton                      21:29       
 197 Hummert, Zach                     Milton                      21:35       
 198 Kearney, Edward                   Milton                      21:35       
 205 Masoor, Harri                     Milton                      21:39       
 208 Connell, Caleb                    Milton                      21:40       
 211 Williamson, Kyle                  Chattahoochee               21:44       
 213 Schnell, Kyle                     Milton                      21:46       
 217 Coneys, Byron                     Chattahoochee               21:48       
 219 Alvarez, Caleb                    Etowah                      21:49       
 221 Guillen, Tony                     Habersham Central           21:50       
 223 Rhodes, David                     Milton                      21:51       
 224 Larkin, Ryan                      Chattahoochee               21:51       
 243 Frankham-Smith, Thomas            Milton                      22:05       
 245 Moore, Matt                       Habersham Central           22:05       
 254 Langston, Dillon                  Milton                      22:13       
 257 Parisian, Hunter                  Milton                      22:14       
 260 Hildebrandt, Jake                 Etowah                      22:16       
 279 Earley, Taylor                    Milton                      22:29       
 280 Martin, Evan                      Milton                      22:30       
 281 Rogowski, Calvin                  Milton                      22:32       
 282 Cory, Alex                        Milton                      22:33       
 284 Bramlett, Nick                    Milton                      22:34       
 286 Gilliam, Chandler                 Milton                      22:34       
 287 Lundberg, Dylan                   Chattahoochee               22:35       
 310 Sigg, Daniel                      Chattahoochee               22:49       
 316 Youngblood, Bryan                 Milton                      22:53       
 320 Couper, Grant                     Chattahoochee               22:55       
 324 Martin, Eric                      Chattahoochee               23:00       
 346 Kryak, Ryan                       Habersham Central           23:10       
 355 Salter, Daniel                    Milton                      23:14       
 357 Pearon, Connor                    Chattahoochee               23:15       
 360 Brown, Seth                       Habersham Central           23:17       
 367 Tuell, Sam                        Milton                      23:23       
 369 Holmes, Christian                 Milton                      23:29       
 373 Caplan, Will                      Chattahoochee               23:34       
 380 Ryan, Chris                       Milton                      23:40       
 383 Tate, Fuller                      Milton                      23:42       
 386 Helm, Wiley                       Habersham Central           23:43       
 387 McKeon, Cole                      Milton                      23:45       
 389 Vaughan, Chris                    Milton                      23:46       
 391 Rielly, Quinton                   Milton                      23:47       
 399 Cotnoir, Preston                  Milton                      23:58       
 404 Troke, Ben                        Milton                      24:04       
 409 Kramer, Adam                      Chattahoochee               24:09       
 412 Mayo, Blake                       Milton                      24:13       
 419 Henderson, Phillip                Etowah                      24:15       
 420 Leblanc, Matt                     Milton                      24:16       
 424 Purdy, Chris                      Chattahoochee               24:19       
 430 Raymond, Jacob                    Milton                      24:26       
 431 Anthony, Brian                    Milton                      24:27       
 434 Gautier, Boris                    Milton                      24:29       
 439 Gilja, Lakshay                    Milton                      24:34       
 443 Burkes, Connor                    Milton                      24:36       
 454 Craig, Josh                       Habersham Central           24:55       
 461 Latty, Darien                     Habersham Central           25:06       
 469 Christiansen, Drew                Chattahoochee               25:12       
 470 Lobaugh, Garrett                  Milton                      25:12       
 474 Joyner, Jay                       Milton                      25:21       
 483 Blackstad, Logan                  Milton                      25:33       
 490 Anderson, Kyle                    Milton                      25:43       
 491 Winkel, Eric                      Milton                      25:44       
 507 Pitt, Kyle                        Chattahoochee               26:17       
 520 Wylie, Patrick                    Milton                      26:40       
 523 Burger, Zander                    Chattahoochee               26:54       
 549 Schneider, Zachary                Chattahoochee               29:04       
 566 Lathem, Neil                      Habersham Central           33:10       
 570 Cooper, Davis                     Etowah                      37:48