Meet Information
Apple Hawkins Invite
Contact: with any questions
Date: 9/28/19
Open race: 7:30
Boys Varsity: 8:30 (top 7 only)
Girls Varsity: 9:00 (top 7 only)
JV Mixed 9:30 (unlimited)
Middle school Mixed: 10:15 (unlimited)
$75 per team ($150 for both varsity teams)
JV is free if varsity has registered. If not $30 per team
Middle School Team $25 per team, if no team $5 per runner
Awards for High School will be presented during Middle School Race
Medals presented for the top 10 in each varsity race.
Medals will be presented to the top 5 boys and girls in the JV and middle school race.
Top 3 teams will receive a trophy.
$5 parking fee
**Course Map provided in race day packets.
Contact: with any questions
Date: 9/28/19
Open race: 7:30
Boys Varsity: 8:30 (top 7 only)
Girls Varsity: 9:00 (top 7 only)
JV Mixed 9:30 (unlimited)
Middle school Mixed: 10:15 (unlimited)
$75 per team ($150 for both varsity teams)
JV is free if varsity has registered. If not $30 per team
Middle School Team $25 per team, if no team $5 per runner
Awards for High School will be presented during Middle School Race
Medals presented for the top 10 in each varsity race.
Medals will be presented to the top 5 boys and girls in the JV and middle school race.
Top 3 teams will receive a trophy.
$5 parking fee
**Course Map provided in race day packets.