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HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/10/2019 08:15 PM
Madison County Home Meet - 4/9/2019
Madison County High School
Event 1 Girls High Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Gurley, Journey Madison Coun 4-08.00 4-08.00 5
2 Wilson, Tiffany Madison Coun 5-00.00 4-08.00 3
3 Whisnant, Gyna Banks County 4-02.00 4-00.00 2
-- Boyer, Kyleigh Banks County NH
-- Langley, SK North Oconee 4-04.00 DNS
-- Phillips, Maddie North Oconee 4-08.00 DNS
Event 2 Boys High Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Parten, Kyler Banks County 6-00.00 5-08.00 5
2 Johnson, Zaquintay Madison Coun 5-06.00 3
3 Kelley, Rictavious Madison Coun 5-02.00 5-06.00 2
4 Coggins, John Banks County 5-06.00 5-04.00 1
5 Welborne, Dawson Banks County 5-04.00 5-02.00
-- Andrews, Douglas L. Madison Coun 5-02.00 NH
Event 3 Girls Pole Vault
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Gurley, Journey Madison Coun 12-06.00 12-06.00 5
2 Pruitt, Parker North Oconee 9-00.00 9-06.00 3
3 Baxley, Livy North Oconee 9-00.00 9-00.00 2
4 Hart, Alanna North Oconee 6-06.00 7-06.00
4 Adams, Emily Banks County 8-06.00 7-06.00 1
6 Reeves, Jenna Banks County 7-00.00 7-00.00
7 Reese, Jenna Madison Coun 6-06.00
8 Engels, Morgan North Oconee 6-06.00
-- Langley, SK North Oconee 6-06.00 SCR
Event 4 Boys Pole Vault
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Hall, Sean Banks County 12-00.00 12-06.00 5
2 Davidson, A.J. Banks County 12-00.00 11-06.00 3
3 Koltes, Carson North Oconee 12-03.00 11-00.00 2
4 Willis, Dane Madison Coun 10-06.00 11-00.00 1
5 Fagan, Scott Madison Coun 11-00.00 10-06.00
6 Prell, Braeden North Oconee 10-06.00 10-06.00
7 Chambers, Drew North Oconee 10-06.00 10-06.00
8 Elliott, Aiden North Oconee 9-00.00 9-06.00
9 Arnold, Jake North Oconee 7-00.00 7-06.00
10 Clark, Danny North Oconee 7-06.00 6-06.00
-- Cheek, Bryson Banks County DNS
-- Casey, Jackson North Oconee 11-00.00 DNS
Event 5 Girls Long Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Hitchcock, Ja'Kiah Madison Coun 16-03.00 16-00.00 5
2 Turner, Niyah Madison Coun 15-10.00 14-10.00 3
3 Lane, Casey-Ann Banks County 14-04.00 13-09.00 2
4 Hetsko, Faith North Oconee 14-08.50 12-07.50 1
5 Hetsko, Melanie North Oconee 13-02.00 11-09.00
6 Almaraz, Mechelle North Oconee 11-07.00 11-07.00
7 Boyer, Kyleigh Banks County 11-00.00
-- Smith, Kennedy Banks County 16-05.00 ND
-- Barnett, Tykeria Madison Coun 13-07.00 ND
-- Branch, Caroline North Oconee 15-09.50 DNS
-- Reid, Crystal Madison Coun DNS
Event 6 Boys Long Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Gaines, Tamaris Madison Coun 21-01.50 20-08.50 5
2 Sims, Jaylen Madison Coun 20-08.00 19-04.50 3
3 Walker, Terrence Banks County 17-02.00 18-08.50 2
4 Turner, Bodarius Madison Coun 19-02.00 18-04.50
5 Sims, Ty North Oconee 19-11.50 18-00.50 1
6 Lawson, Zaire Madison Coun 18-00.00 17-11.00
7 Saliki, Constantine North Oconee 18-05.50 17-03.25
8 Skelton, Chris Banks County 17-05.50 17-02.50
9 Bennett, Jace Banks County 17-06.00 16-11.25
10 Johnson, Kameron Madison Coun 16-05.00 15-05.00
11 Rogers, Andrea Madison Coun 15-01.50 14-04.50
-- Wayna, Newton North Oconee 18-07.50 ND
-- Burroughs, Nathan Madison Coun 15-05.25 DNS
-- Holcombe, Kaveri Banks County DNS
Event 7 Girls Triple Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Wilson, Tiffany Madison Coun 30-08.25 31-03.00 5
2 Almaraz, Mechelle North Oconee 29-00.00 29-05.00 3
3 Johnson, Kourtney Madison Coun 29-11.50 29-03.00 2
-- Whisnant, Gyna Banks County 26-08.25 ND
-- Branch, Caroline North Oconee 32-11.00 DNS
-- Minish, Laken Madison Coun 31-03.50 DNS
Event 8 Boys Triple Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Gaines, Tamaris Madison Coun 43-11.25 44-07.00 5
2 Newton, Wanya North Oconee 41-04.50 42-00.00 3
3 Ledford, Wes Banks County 43-02.25 41-11.00 2
4 Barrett, Julian Madison Coun 40-08.00 40-05.00 1
-- Saliki, Constantine North Oconee 37-09.50 DNS
-- Bennett, Jace Banks County 41-04.50 DNS
-- Lewis, Bradley Banks County 34-00.00 DNS
Event 9 Girls Discus Throw
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Bailey, Shaylyn Banks County 103-03 92-05 5
2 Speed, Taylor Banks County 94-08 85-05 3
3 Nicholson, Ashlynn N. Madison Coun 69-07 82-08 2
4 Humphries, Autumn Banks County 55-06 66-09
5 Nix, Elizabeth G. Madison Coun 73-00 64-10 1
6 Montgomery, June O. Madison Coun 69-03 64-01
7 Tittle, McKinley Madison Coun 64-03 57-07
8 Simmons, Ciara Madison Coun 63-06 55-10
9 Jones, Jaydeon Banks County 50-00 44-09
10 Price, Brandy Madison Coun 45-04 44-00
-- Jones, Jarahya Banks County 50-00 DNS
-- Whisnant, Jacqueline Banks County DNS
-- Richwine, Emma North Oconee 84-08 DNS
-- Butts, Mary Scott North Oconee 59-11 DNS
Event 10 Boys Discus Throw
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Ramey, Jackson Banks County 50-00.50 144-09 5
2 Moore, Kabel Madison Coun 121-00 117-05 3
3 Walker, Terrence Banks County 128-03 113-02 2
4 Bolton, Jermayne Madison Coun 119-02 103-08 1
5 May, James Madison Coun 101-11 101-00
6 Bostdorff, Jake North Oconee 95-06 90-06
7 Vinings, Dylan Madison Coun 86-04 82-11
8 Kaminski, Tanner Banks County 85-07 80-07
9 Logan, Jeremiah Banks County 55-03 69-00
10 Olds, Samuel Madison Coun 67-10 65-05
11 Smith, Cameron Madison Coun 61-00 59-09
12 Francois, Nikkovic Madison Coun 41-00 57-05
-- Holtzclaw, Jasper Banks County 86-05 DNS
-- Foster, Spencer North Oconee 102-07 DNS
-- Tench, Cody Banks County 41-00 DNS
Event 11 Girls Shot Put
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Bailey, Jordan Madison Coun 29-07.50 33-08.00 5
2 Speed, Taylor Banks County 30-01.00 31-00.00 3
3 Bailey, Shaylyn Banks County 31-11.00 29-07.00 2
4 Wiley, Kaylea Madison Coun 30-10.25 29-01.00 1
5 Butts, Mary Scott North Oconee 30-08.00 28-05.00
6 Montgomery, June O. Madison Coun 26-11.00 28-01.00
7 Nix, Elizabeth G. Madison Coun 24-08.00 26-09.00
8 Simmons, Ciara Madison Coun 26-08.00 26-01.00
9 Humphries, Autumn Banks County 21-07.00 25-11.00
10 Tittle, McKinley Madison Coun 25-00.00 23-06.00
11 Price, Brandy Madison Coun 21-06.00 22-04.00
12 Jones, Jaydeon Banks County 17-10.00
-- Whisnant, Jacqueline Banks County DNS
-- Richwine, Emma North Oconee 26-00.00 DNS
-- Jones, Jarahya Banks County DNS
Event 12 Boys Shot Put
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 May, James Madison Coun 43-07.75 45-09.00 5
2 Goodrich, Seth Madison Coun 47-00.00 44-09.00 3
3 Bolton, Jermayne Madison Coun 38-08.00 37-01.00
4 Free, Parker Banks County 36-11.00 2
5 Fick, Jordan North Oconee 36-11.00 1
6 Vinings, Dylan Madison Coun 29-11.50 33-10.00
7 Olds, Samuel Madison Coun 30-00.00 32-08.00
8 Kaminski, Tanner Banks County 30-11.00 32-04.00
9 Batalis, William North Oconee 37-11.00 28-10.00
10 Logan, Jeremiah Banks County 27-05.00 28-09.00
11 Francois, Nikkovic Madison Coun 26-03.00 28-06.00
12 Smith, Cameron Madison Coun 25-07.00 27-07.00
-- Ramey, Jackson Banks County 50-02.00 ND
-- Dodge, Cody Banks County 36-09.00 ND
-- Tench, Cody Banks County 21-00.00 DNS
-- Weynand, Adam North Oconee DNS
-- Bostdorff, Jake North Oconee 30-01.50 DNS
-- Holtzclaw, Jasper Banks County 34-09.00 DNS
Event 13 Girls 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Parker, Anna Banks County 13:24.45 14:18.08 5
2 Bailey, Haylie Banks County 14:07.47 14:50.34 3
3 Wood, Lakin Madison Coun 14:51.95 15:16.88 2
4 Fitzpatrick, Carly Madison Coun 15:11.12 16:30.09 1
-- Marlowe, Hannah North Oconee 14:14.06 DNS
-- Orman, Georgia North Oconee 13:30.00 DNS
Event 14 Boys 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Ledford, Buck Banks County 10:38.78 10:48.26 5
2 Cotton, Nic Banks County 11:37.17 11:46.69 3
3 Metts, Ryan Madison Coun 12:44.24 13:29.13 2
-- Arnold, Jake North Oconee 12:40.59 DNS
-- Honeycutt, Matthew North Oconee 11:11.70 DNS
Event 16 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Madison County 'A' 53.00 53.86 5
1) Johnson, Kourtney 2) Hitchcock, Ja'Kiah
3) Barnett, Tykeria 4) Wilson, Tiffany
2 Banks County HS 'A' 54.18 53.96 3
3 North Oconee 'A' 56.61 54.65
1) Medina, Diana 2) Colbert, Jacelyn
3) Crowe, Anna-Joy 4) Underwood, Kolby Ann
4 Madison County 'B' 55.02 55.99
1) Turner, Niyah 2) Drake, Tiana
3) Reid, Crystal 4) Heard, Tommanesha
5 Banks County HS 'B' 59.18 1:09.79
Event 17 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Madison County 'A' 45.22 43.52 5
1) Anderson, Kale 2) Gaines, Tamaris
3) Burroughs, Nathan 4) Lawson, Zaire
2 Banks County HS 'A' 46.26 45.00 3
3 Banks County HS 'B' 49.26 46.36
4 Madison County 'C' 46.41
1) Kelley, Rictavious 2) Johnson, Kameron
3) Barrett, Julian 4) Johnson, Zaquintay
5 North Oconee 'A' 47.07 52.99
1) Weynand, Adam 2) Sims, Ty
3) Wayna, Newton 4) Thomas, John Karl
-- Madison County 'B' DQ out of zone
1) Savage, Mason 2) Turner, Bodarius
3) Smith, Rowan 4) Sims, Jaylen
Event 18 Girls 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Bledsoe, Liv North Oconee 6:07.11 5:58.91 5
2 Conner, Caroline Madison Coun 5:53.82 6:11.48 3
3 Olivares, Alessandra Banks County 6:19.23 6:22.57 2
4 Schubert, Kylie Madison Coun 6:00.31 6:22.60 1
5 Coates, Peyton North Oconee 6:01.97 6:25.90
6 Orman, Georgia North Oconee 6:22.52 6:27.57
7 Parker, Anna Banks County 6:18.40 6:50.33
8 Jordan, Keeley Banks County 6:53.57 7:16.48
9 Black, Sophie Banks County 7:24.93
10 Bailey, Haylie Banks County 6:37.43 7:37.92
11 Vaeth, Valerie North Oconee 7:38.68 8:11.57
-- Jackson, Callie North Oconee 6:37.39 DNS
-- Engels, MaKeena North Oconee DNS
-- Marlowe, Hannah North Oconee 6:45.21 DNS
Event 19 Boys 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Potts, Davis North Oconee 4:58.45 4:42.10 5
2 Stephens, Griffin Banks County 4:42.16 4:50.64 3
3 Landrum, Aidan North Oconee 4:58.09 2
4 Ledford, Buck Banks County 4:48.15 5:07.58 1
5 Pearson, Max North Oconee 5:17.90 5:07.72
6 Cox, Tucker North Oconee 5:03.43 5:11.62
7 Rozier-Miller, Ethan Madison Coun 5:33.67 5:22.78
8 Cotton, Nic Banks County 5:13.91 5:36.60
9 Butler, Christopher Madison Coun 5:11.29 5:53.81
10 Metts, Ryan Madison Coun 5:50.65 6:01.72
11 White, Davis Banks County 6:24.02 6:11.24
12 Webb, Hampton North Oconee 6:25.00 6:24.59
-- Stratton, Tyler Banks County 5:57.83 DNS
-- Tello, Daniel North Oconee 5:50.86 DNS
-- Prickett, Aden Madison Coun 5:08.95 DNS
-- Lerch, J.D. North Oconee 5:34.24 DNS
-- Arnold, Jake North Oconee 5:52.96 DNS
-- Honeycutt, Matthew North Oconee 5:15.65 DNS
Event 20 Girls 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Bonds, Annika North Oconee 1:09.53 1:07.87 2 5
2 Smith, Kennedy Banks County 1:02.37 1:08.55 2 3
3 Hetsko, Faith North Oconee 1:08.14 1:08.74 2 2
4 Drake, Tiana Madison Coun 1:09.65 1:09.43 2 1
5 Underwood, Kolby Ann North Oconee 1:06.20 1:10.19 2
6 Reeves, Jenna Banks County 1:07.56 1:10.29 2
7 Aguirre, Lizbeth Madison Coun 1:11.33 1:13.62 1
8 Engels, MaKeena North Oconee 1:15.98 1
9 Whisnant, Gyna Banks County 1:10.61 1:17.17 2
-- Heard, Tommanesha Madison Coun 1:11.71 DNS 1
-- Hart, Alanna North Oconee 1:05.33 DNS 2
-- Hetsko, Melanie North Oconee 1:14.04 DNS 1
Event 21 Boys 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Savage, Mason Madison Coun 52.61 52.55 2 5
2 Fick, Jordan North Oconee 53.01 53.32 2 3
3 Parten, Kyler Banks County 54.32 54.02 2 2
4 Gaines Jr, Willie Madison Coun 53.52 55.32 2 1
5 Lehotsky, Jacob Banks County 52.35 55.79 2
6 Smith, Rowan Madison Coun 55.06 57.36 2
7 Nail, Garrett North Oconee 56.94 57.78 1
8 Patterson, Jamie Madison Coun 57.78 58.57 1
9 Powell, Jackson North Oconee 57.88 59.03 1
10 Skelton, Chris Banks County 1:01.00 1:00.83 1
11 Welborne, Dawson Banks County 1:03.14 1:02.84 1
12 Bloom, Dillon North Oconee 1:03.50 1
-- Lewis, Bradley Banks County 1:01.47 DNS 1
-- Weynand, Adam North Oconee 57.80 DNS 1
-- Sims, Ty North Oconee 56.71 DNS 2
-- Burroughs, Nathan Madison Coun 56.61 DNS 2
Event 22 Girls 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Hitchcock, Ja'Kiah Madison Coun 12.23 12.57 2 5
2 Johnson, Kourtney Madison Coun 13.70 13.69 2 3
3 Barnett, Tykeria Madison Coun 14.19 1
4 Butler, Camrisha Madison Coun 14.52 14.21 2
5 Crowe, Anna-Joy North Oconee 14.44 14.43 2 2
6 Medina, Diana North Oconee 14.80 14.60 2 1
7 Hetsko, Melanie North Oconee 14.20 14.85 2
8 Bishop, Soriah North Oconee 15.49 14.91 2
9 Brown, Patience Banks County 14.94 1
10 Boyer, Kyleigh Banks County 16.58 15.70 1
11 Holcomb, Hope Banks County 17.20 16.92 1
-- Colbert, Jacelyn North Oconee 15.04 DNS 2
Event 23 Boys 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Anderson, Kale Madison Coun 11.22 11.24 3 5
2 Sims, Jaylen Madison Coun 11.83 11.65 3 3
3 Lawson, Zaire Madison Coun 11.62 11.68 3
4 Burroughs, Nathan Madison Coun 11.72 11.89 3
5 Turner, Bodarius Madison Coun 12.48 12.16 3
6 Johnson, Zaquintay Madison Coun 12.50 12.31 3
7 Bennett, Jace Banks County 12.35 12.46 3 2
8 Sims, Ty North Oconee 12.60 12.66 2 1
9 Thomas, John Karl North Oconee 12.72 12.71 2
10 Johnson, Kameron Madison Coun 12.48 12.90 3
11 Rogers, Andrea Madison Coun 12.92 12.95 2
12 Vaeth, Teddy North Oconee 13.44 13.52 2
13 Jones, Conner North Oconee 13.48 13.82 2
14 Bennett, Will North Oconee 13.54 14.11 1
15 Richardson, Aaron North Oconee 15.12 15.26 1
-- Thompson, Nathan North Oconee 13.04 DNS 2
-- Weynand, Adam North Oconee 12.65 DNS 2
-- Newton, Wanya North Oconee 12.75 DNS 2
-- May, James Madison Coun DNS 1
-- Rayburn, Owen North Oconee DNS 1
Event 24 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Minish, Laken Madison Coun 17.53 17.94 5
2 Turner, Niyah Madison Coun 18.65 18.25 3
3 Reid, Crystal Madison Coun 20.98 20.68
4 Tanner, Jodie Banks County 17.16 20.79 2
5 Lane, Casey-Ann Banks County 21.01 22.04 1
Event 25 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Walker, Terrence Banks County 15.41 15.71 5
2 Barrett, Julian Madison Coun 16.91 16.62 3
3 Kelley, Rictavious Madison Coun 17.15 16.82 2
4 Coggins, John Banks County 18.31 17.98 1
Event 26 Girls 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Conner, Caroline Madison Coun 2:34.44 2:37.43 5
2 Bledsoe, Liv North Oconee 2:42.81 2:39.22 3
3 Schubert, Kylie Madison Coun 2:42.83 2:45.79 2
4 Olivares, Alessandra Banks County 2:44.22 2:47.53 1
5 Hetsko, Faith North Oconee 2:46.84 2:47.92
6 Coates, Peyton North Oconee 2:37.43 3:00.16
7 Dixon, Nicole Banks County 2:59.98 3:08.42
8 Engels, MaKeena North Oconee 3:14.89
9 Jordan, Keeley Banks County 3:00.40 3:17.59
10 Black, Sophie Banks County 3:18.83
11 Benfield, Makayla Banks County 3:10.89 3:19.77
12 Gooch, Katie Banks County 3:29.91 3:24.58
13 Vaeth, Valerie North Oconee 3:19.68 3:31.73
-- Jackson, Callie North Oconee 3:13.84 DNS
Event 27 Boys 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Ledford, Wes Banks County 2:03.76 2:08.07 5
2 Stephens, Griffin Banks County 2:10.00 2:10.32 3
3 Pearson, Max North Oconee 2:18.41 2:10.47 2
4 Potts, Davis North Oconee 2:19.61 2:10.67 1
5 Prickett, Aden Madison Coun 2:17.73 2:18.27
6 Landrum, Aidan North Oconee 2:22.00 2:19.83
7 Cox, Tucker North Oconee 2:17.64 2:20.32
8 Rozier-Miller, Ethan Madison Coun 2:22.71
9 Cheek, Bryson Banks County 2:30.48 2:23.34
10 Butler, Christopher Madison Coun 2:24.11 2:32.15
11 Arnold, Jake North Oconee 2:34.18
12 White, Davis Banks County 2:37.86
13 Bloom, Dillon North Oconee 2:41.90 2:41.87
14 Webb, Hampton North Oconee 2:50.34 2:56.27
15 Buczynsky, Cole North Oconee 3:39.99 3:46.26
-- Naeher, Luke Joseph North Oconee 3:13.62 DNS
-- Stratton, Tyler Banks County 2:31.47 DNS
-- Lerch, J.D. North Oconee 2:19.50 DNS
-- Tello, Daniel North Oconee 2:29.74 DNS
Event 28 Girls 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Hitchcock, Ja'Kiah Madison Coun 25.56 27.03 2 5
2 Bonds, Annika North Oconee 28.67 27.80 2 3
3 Underwood, Kolby Ann North Oconee 27.50 28.75 2 2
4 Johnson, Kourtney Madison Coun 28.79 29.56 2 1
5 Heard, Tommanesha Madison Coun 29.59 29.67 2
6 Wilson, Tiffany Madison Coun 29.53 29.78 2
7 Butler, Camrisha Madison Coun 30.74 29.92 2
8 Crowe, Anna-Joy North Oconee 29.54 30.07 2
9 Aguirre, Lizbeth Madison Coun 31.07 30.66 1
10 Drake, Tiana Madison Coun 31.38 31.31 1
11 Hetsko, Melanie North Oconee 32.14 31.43 1
12 Bishop, Soriah North Oconee 31.24 32.92 1
13 Boyer, Kyleigh Banks County 33.21 33.55 1
-- Brown, Patience Banks County DNS 1
-- Colbert, Jacelyn North Oconee 30.84 DNS 1
-- Holcomb, Hope Banks County DNS 1
Event 29 Boys 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Anderson, Kale Madison Coun 22.99 22.80 4 5
2 Smith, Rowan Madison Coun 24.87 23.87 4 3
3 Burroughs, Nathan Madison Coun 24.22 23.99 4
4 Parten, Kyler Banks County 24.11 24.02 4 2
5 Lawson, Zaire Madison Coun 24.42 24.05 4
6 Turner, Bodarius Madison Coun 25.71 24.12 3
7 Gaines Jr, Willie Madison Coun 24.55 24.47 4
8 Sims, Jaylen Madison Coun 24.93 24.56 4
9 Nail, Garrett North Oconee 26.30 25.14 3 1
10 Patterson, Jamie Madison Coun 25.60 25.14 3
11 Johnson, Zaquintay Madison Coun 25.41 25.79 4
12 Johnson, Kameron Madison Coun 25.70 26.03 3
13 Powell, Jackson North Oconee 26.42 2
14 Welborne, Dawson Banks County 26.85 1
15 Rogers, Andrea Madison Coun 27.72 26.93 3
16 Vaeth, Teddy North Oconee 27.16 27.57 3
17 Jones, Conner North Oconee 27.74 27.96 3
18 Bennett, Will North Oconee 28.14 28.57 2
19 Rayburn, Owen North Oconee 29.94 30.31 2
20 Richardson, Aaron North Oconee 32.14 31.53 2
-- Thompson, Nathan North Oconee DNS 1
-- Andrews, Douglas L. Madison Coun 27.97 DNS 2
-- Skelton, Chris Banks County 27.48 DNS 3
-- Holcombe, Kaveri Banks County DNS 1
-- Thomas, Alex North Oconee DNS 2
Event 30 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Minish, Laken Madison Coun 49.30 53.15 2 5
2 Turner, Niyah Madison Coun 53.12 53.32 2 3
3 Reid, Crystal Madison Coun 59.45 59.37 1
4 Tanner, Jodie Banks County 57.28 1:04.95 2 2
-- Lane, Casey-Ann Banks County 59.69 DNS 2
-- Crowe, Anna-Joy North Oconee DNS 1
Event 31 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Gaines, Tamaris Madison Coun 41.12 41.35 2 5
2 Fick, Jordan North Oconee 42.96 42.58 2 3
3 Lehotsky, Jacob Banks County 41.03 43.08 2 2
4 Coggins, John Banks County 43.30 43.88 2 1
5 Kelley, Rictavious Madison Coun 45.38 44.94 1
6 Barrett, Julian Madison Coun 44.52 45.61 1
Event 34 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Madison County 'A' 4:36.19 4:36.17 5
1) Hitchcock, Ja'Kiah 2) Conner, Caroline
3) Drake, Tiana 4) Schubert, Kylie
2 Banks County HS 'A' 4:44.35 4:41.20 3
3 North Oconee 'A' 4:45.32 4:45.93
1) Bonds, Annika 2) Hart, Alanna
3) Hetsko, Melanie 4) Hetsko, Faith
5) Underwood, Kolby Ann 6)
4 Madison County 'B' 4:54.42
1) Heard, Tommanesha 2) Johnson, Kourtney
3) Aguirre, Lizbeth 4) Reid, Crystal
5 Banks County HS 'B' 4:55.35 5:03.05
Event 35 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Madison County 'A' 3:34.34 3:34.80 5
1) Savage, Mason 2) Gaines, Tamaris
3) Gaines Jr, Willie 4) Burroughs, Nathan
2 Banks County HS 'A' 3:37.66 3:37.68 3
1) Lehotsky, Jacob 2) Ledford, Wes
3) Walker, Terrence 4) Parten, Kyler
3 Madison County 'B' 3:38.00 3:38.42
1) Anderson, Kale 2) Smith, Rowan
3) May, James 4) Turner, Bodarius
4 Madison County 'C' 3:45.00 3:58.04
1) Johnson, Zaquintay 2) Johnson, Kameron
3) Barrett, Julian 4) Prickett, Aden
5) Rozier-Miller, Ethan 6)
5 Banks County HS 'B' 4:02.26
1) Coggins, John 2) Davidson, A.J.
3) Skelton, Chris 4) Cheek, Bryson
-- North Oconee 'A' 3:50.99 DNS
1) Weynand, Adam 2) Sims, Ty
3) Powell, Jackson 4) Nail, Garrett
Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
1) Madison County 92 2) Banks County HS 43
3) North Oconee 32
Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
1) Madison County 76 2) Banks County HS 68
3) North Oconee 25