Meet Information
Westlake Unlimited Entry Invite
Password: Email Coach Cage for the password. FIRST 3 teams to contact me will be allowed to compete.
Entry Fee: $125 per gender. Boys and girls will be $175. The entry fee is to help pay for the timing & clerking. There will be no medals or trophies given out at this meet. Payments should be made out to Westlake Track & Field.
Att: Coach Cage
Westlake High School
2400 Union Road
Atlanta, GA 30331
Coaches' Meeting 4:00PM
Girls High Jump 4:30PM starting hieght is 4-8
Boys Long Jump 4:30PM minimum mark is 19ft
Girls Long Jump 4:30PM minimum mark is 15ft
Girls Shot Put 4:30PM minimum mark is 30ft
Boys Shot Put 5:15PM minimum mark is 40ft
Boys High Jump 5:15PM starting hieght is 5-8
3200m Run 5:00PM
300m Hurdles 5:30PM
4X100m Relay 6:00PM
1600m Run
400m Dash
100m Dash
800m Run
200m Dash
4x400m Relay
Questions: Please feel free to contact Coach Cage with any questions at email-