Meet Information
Athletes will have the opportunity to run co-ed and non-traditional events. Traditional field events will still be contested prior to the start of the running events. Come and enjoy a true relay meet under the Friday Night Lights of 12 Oaks Stadium.
Schools may enter up to 3 teams/athletes per event. Events are as follows (schedule to be determined):
Field Events:
This meet is designed to test the depth of your program. Athletes will have the opportunity to run co-ed and non-traditional events. Traditional field events will still be contested prior to the start of the running events. Come and enjoy a true relay meet under the Friday Night Lights of 12 Oaks Stadium.
Entry Fee: $100 (boys and girls combined). Payment will be accepted the day of the meet.
Coaches meeting will be at 5:00(pending timely transportation) and field events will begin at the conclusion of the coaches meeting.
Schools may enter up to 3 teams/athletes per event. Full recovery time will be allotted for athletes as necessary. Events are as follows (schedule to be determined):
Field Events:
Long Jump
High Jump,
Triple Jump,
Shot Put
Running Events:
4x100m Relay
4x800 Relay
4x200m Relay
1600m Run
Co-Ed Sprint Medley (100-100-200-400)
Swedish Medley (100-200-300-400)
Distance Medley (1200-400-800-1600)
4x400m Relay