Meet Information
***We have now filled our spots for visiting teams and no longer have any openings. Thank you for your interest.
We have a brand new track facility. Our old track was ripped out down to the dirt and it was re-leveled, they poured an entire new asphalt foundation, and then put in a state-of-the art synthetic surface. This will be our first home meet on the new surface. If you're interested in participating in the meet, email Coach Tim Reeder at
Schedule of Events
4:00 Coaches meeting on 50 yd line
4:15 First call Round 1 field events
4:30 Round 1 of field events begin (Athletes will get 3 attempts in the DT, SP, TJ, and LJ)
Boys DT
Girls SP
Girls HJ
Boys AND Girls PV
Girls TJ followed by Boys TJ
Round 2 of field events begin as soon as Round 1 for that event finishes
Girls DT
Boys SP
Boys HJ
Girls LJ followed by Boys LJ
5:45 Running events.
Rolling schedule. Girls heats first, then boys.
100/110 hurdles
300 hurdles
3200 (combined boys and girls one heat)
Important Instructions
All athletes need to check in at First Call for their event.
All field event athletes must check-in at their field event.
All running event athletes need to check in with the Clerk of the Course at the 50 yd line and then gather near the starting line of your event and wait for the Assistant Starter to call you heat up to the line.
All relay athletes need to check in as a team (all 4 teammates together) with the Clerk of the Course.
Team Entry Fee
$150 check payable to "CHSABA"
Mail to:
Chattahoochee High School
c/o Tim Reeder
5230 Taylor Rd.
Johns Creek, GA 30022