Meet Information
Jeff Davis County Cross Country programs would like to invite you to participate in the Southern Georgia Cross Country Championship on Thursday, September 21st. Our goal is to make this one of the largest and most competitive meets in South Georgia for MS and HS. Entries are open to GHSA, GISA, and GICAA schools.Meet will be ran at Jeff Davis MS not at the Heritage Center @ Town's Bluff where we have ran our meets in the past.Course Map: runs 2 loops, MS runs 1 loopRaces:4:00 pm - MS Girls 2500m (20 participants per team)4:30 pm - MS Boys 2500m (20 participants per team)5:00 pm - HS Girls 5K (Top 7-10, 30:00 time limit)5:40 pm - HS Boys 5K (Top 7-10, 24:00 time limit)6:10 pm - Combined Boys/Girls JV 5KPossible addition of a JV if there is enough teams signed up for the varsity races. Entry Fees:Varsity Team = $100 per school or $50 for Boys or Girls (Single Team)Varsity Individual Athletes = $10 , if not fielding a full teamMiddle Team = $60 per school or $30 for Boys or Girls (Single Team)Middle School Individual Athletes = $10, if not fielding a full teamChecks should be made out to Jeff Davis High School Cross Country. Do not mail checks, bring on race day. Varsity Awards:Small Division Trophy (GISA, GICAA, 1A Public/Private, and 2A)Large Division Trophy (3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, and 7A)Grand Champion Trophy (Best Program Boys and Girls Combined Scores)Medals for Top 10 Boys/GirlsMiddle School Awards:Boys ChampionGirls ChampionMedals for Top 10 Boys/GirlsPlease contact Meet Director for additional information or meet password.Will Wood(912)253-9829