Meet Information
NAML Championship Meet
When: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 @ 3:00 PM
Where: Perimeter Christian School
Johns Creek, GA
Order Of Events:
2:45 Coaches Meeting
3:00 Girls Discus, Girls Long Jump followed by Boys, Boys Shot Put, Boys High Jump
3:30 Girls Triple Jump followed by Boys, Girls Shot Put, Girls High Jump, Boys Discus
3:30 Running events begin and continue on a rolling schedule
3200 (Boys and Girls together)
4x100 Relay
100 Hurdles
800 (Boys and Girls together)
200 Hurdles
1600 (Boys and Girls together)
4X400 Relay
Each school is allowed a maximum of 3 competitors per individual event. Each school is allowed a maximum of 2 relay teams per event.
Participation limits
A competitor in NAML Track and Field may enter a maximum of three individual events (any) and both relays.
When: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 @ 3:00 PM
Where: Perimeter Christian School
Johns Creek, GA
Order Of Events:
2:45 Coaches Meeting
3:00 Girls Discus, Girls Long Jump followed by Boys, Boys Shot Put, Boys High Jump
3:30 Girls Triple Jump followed by Boys, Girls Shot Put, Girls High Jump, Boys Discus
3:30 Running events begin and continue on a rolling schedule
3200 (Boys and Girls together)
4x100 Relay
100 Hurdles
800 (Boys and Girls together)
200 Hurdles
1600 (Boys and Girls together)
4X400 Relay
Each school is allowed a maximum of 3 competitors per individual event. Each school is allowed a maximum of 2 relay teams per event.
Participation limits
A competitor in NAML Track and Field may enter a maximum of three individual events (any) and both relays.