Meet Information
2017 Southeast Georgia Middle School Athletic Conference
Track and Field Championships
March 20 & 21, 2017
Track Meet Information
SCRATCH MEETING: Mon, Mar 20, the scratch meeting will begin at 9:00 am. The scratch meeting on Tues, Mar 21 will begin at 9:00 am. The meeting will take place under the shelter. When the meeting is complete there will be no scratches made.
TIME: Mon, Mar 20 start time will be 10:00 am. Tues, Mar 21 start time 10:00 am
ENTRIES:You can enter only 2 from each school in an event. You can have 2 teams in each relay.
SCORING: We will score the top 8 places. The scoring will be as follows:
O Individual: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
o Relays: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
o Throwing / Jumping (Each throw and jump will be measured)
NUMBER OF EVENTS: Athletes can participate in a total of 5 events
o 3 field & 2 team
o 2 field / 1 running & 2 team
o 1 field / 2 running & 2 team
JEWELRY: Please make sure that all athletes remove all jewelry before running in the meet.
UNIFORMS: Please make sure that all athletes are wearing a proper uniform. Make sure all relay teams are dressed the same.
NO TAPE ON THE TRACK: Please do not put tape on the long jump runway, high jump area, or exchange lanes.
FIELD ASSIGNMENTS: Attached you will find Field Event assignments.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: I have enclosed a schedule of events. We will stay as close to the schedule as possible. It is necessary to make sure that your track athletes know where to go and what they are running.
CHECKING IN FOR FIELD EVENT: Athletes will check in at the site of the field event. If they are doing multiple field events, make sure they let the event judge know. High Jump takes precedent over all field events. When they are done with high jump, they can then report to the other field event. If you are an event judge and you have an athlete participating in another field event, then you can go ahead and run that event. When the athlete shows up from his or her other event, then you can run that athlete in a 2nd flight.
CHECKING IN FOR RUNNING EVENT: Make sure when the runner hears 1st call they must check in to the control tent to get there lane number. By the 3rd call they must report to the clerk of court. From the clerk of court they will be sent to the track for their event.
ENTERING AND EXITING TRACK: All participants will enter and exit the track on the far end near the track building.
TEAM LOCATION:There will be no teams allowed to set up in the infield. The infield will only be used for warm-ups. The teams can set up tents past the concession stand area. That area is located between the track and the softball area. IF YOU ARE NOT A COACH OR AN ATHLETE YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE INFIELD.
BUS PARKING: You can unload your team at the service entrance, which is at the back of the school off of Wadley Street. You can also park your bus in circled area.
CONCESSIONS: Concessions will be available.
9:00 Scratch Meeting underneath Football Shelter, near track building.
10:00 First Call Field Events
10:15 Girls High Jump
Boys High Jump
Girls Long Jump
Boys Long Jump
Girls Shot Put
Boys Shot Put
Boys Discus
Girls Discus (Complete all other field events).
First Call Running Events
4x100 Relay
1600m Run
400m Dash
100m Dash
100m Hurdles
110m Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
4x400 Relay
Presentation of Awards Girls & Boys
Event Judges
Girls High Jump: Jeff Davis / Ware
Boys High Jump: Ware / Jeff - Davis
Girls Long Jump: Waycross / Martha Puckett
Boys Long Jump: Martha Puckett / Waycross
Girls Shot Put: Appling / Brantley
Boys Shot Put: Arthur Williams / Brantley
Discus Boys / Girls: Pierce / Long
Exchange Judges for the 4x100 Relay:
Exchange One: Appling / Brantley
Exchange Two: Jeff Davis / Ware
Exchange Three: Martha Puckett / Waycross
Meet Director: Matt Collins, Ware Co.
Starter: Michael Youngblood
Back-up Starter / False Start: Chad Brown, Pierce Co.
Race Recorder: Perfect Timing Group
Head Field Judge: Jaime Abrams, Waycross
Hurdle and Block Crew: Ware Co. / Waycross
Lap Counter: Taz Dixon, Ware / Coach Brown, Pierce
Timing Device Operator: Perfect Timing Group
Custodian of Awards: Chad Starling, Ware Co.
Clerk of Court / Announcer: Sonny Spurlock
Games Committee: (One coach from each school only the Ware Coach will only vote if the
vote is a tie) Ware, Pierce, Waycross, Appling, Martha Puckett
Track and Field Championships
March 20 & 21, 2017
Track Meet Information
SCRATCH MEETING: Mon, Mar 20, the scratch meeting will begin at 9:00 am. The scratch meeting on Tues, Mar 21 will begin at 9:00 am. The meeting will take place under the shelter. When the meeting is complete there will be no scratches made.
TIME: Mon, Mar 20 start time will be 10:00 am. Tues, Mar 21 start time 10:00 am
ENTRIES:You can enter only 2 from each school in an event. You can have 2 teams in each relay.
SCORING: We will score the top 8 places. The scoring will be as follows:
O Individual: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
o Relays: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
o Throwing / Jumping (Each throw and jump will be measured)
NUMBER OF EVENTS: Athletes can participate in a total of 5 events
o 3 field & 2 team
o 2 field / 1 running & 2 team
o 1 field / 2 running & 2 team
JEWELRY: Please make sure that all athletes remove all jewelry before running in the meet.
UNIFORMS: Please make sure that all athletes are wearing a proper uniform. Make sure all relay teams are dressed the same.
NO TAPE ON THE TRACK: Please do not put tape on the long jump runway, high jump area, or exchange lanes.
FIELD ASSIGNMENTS: Attached you will find Field Event assignments.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: I have enclosed a schedule of events. We will stay as close to the schedule as possible. It is necessary to make sure that your track athletes know where to go and what they are running.
CHECKING IN FOR FIELD EVENT: Athletes will check in at the site of the field event. If they are doing multiple field events, make sure they let the event judge know. High Jump takes precedent over all field events. When they are done with high jump, they can then report to the other field event. If you are an event judge and you have an athlete participating in another field event, then you can go ahead and run that event. When the athlete shows up from his or her other event, then you can run that athlete in a 2nd flight.
CHECKING IN FOR RUNNING EVENT: Make sure when the runner hears 1st call they must check in to the control tent to get there lane number. By the 3rd call they must report to the clerk of court. From the clerk of court they will be sent to the track for their event.
ENTERING AND EXITING TRACK: All participants will enter and exit the track on the far end near the track building.
TEAM LOCATION:There will be no teams allowed to set up in the infield. The infield will only be used for warm-ups. The teams can set up tents past the concession stand area. That area is located between the track and the softball area. IF YOU ARE NOT A COACH OR AN ATHLETE YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE INFIELD.
BUS PARKING: You can unload your team at the service entrance, which is at the back of the school off of Wadley Street. You can also park your bus in circled area.
CONCESSIONS: Concessions will be available.
9:00 Scratch Meeting underneath Football Shelter, near track building.
10:00 First Call Field Events
10:15 Girls High Jump
Boys High Jump
Girls Long Jump
Boys Long Jump
Girls Shot Put
Boys Shot Put
Boys Discus
Girls Discus (Complete all other field events).
First Call Running Events
4x100 Relay
1600m Run
400m Dash
100m Dash
100m Hurdles
110m Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
4x400 Relay
Presentation of Awards Girls & Boys
Event Judges
Girls High Jump: Jeff Davis / Ware
Boys High Jump: Ware / Jeff - Davis
Girls Long Jump: Waycross / Martha Puckett
Boys Long Jump: Martha Puckett / Waycross
Girls Shot Put: Appling / Brantley
Boys Shot Put: Arthur Williams / Brantley
Discus Boys / Girls: Pierce / Long
Exchange Judges for the 4x100 Relay:
Exchange One: Appling / Brantley
Exchange Two: Jeff Davis / Ware
Exchange Three: Martha Puckett / Waycross
Meet Director: Matt Collins, Ware Co.
Starter: Michael Youngblood
Back-up Starter / False Start: Chad Brown, Pierce Co.
Race Recorder: Perfect Timing Group
Head Field Judge: Jaime Abrams, Waycross
Hurdle and Block Crew: Ware Co. / Waycross
Lap Counter: Taz Dixon, Ware / Coach Brown, Pierce
Timing Device Operator: Perfect Timing Group
Custodian of Awards: Chad Starling, Ware Co.
Clerk of Court / Announcer: Sonny Spurlock
Games Committee: (One coach from each school only the Ware Coach will only vote if the
vote is a tie) Ware, Pierce, Waycross, Appling, Martha Puckett