Area 3 Region 4 and 5 -7A CC Championships 2016

Canton, GA

Boys Open

 Perfect Timing Group - Contractor License                  HY-TEK's Meet Manager
             Area 3 Region 4 and 5 -7A CC Championships - 10/22/2016             
                         Hosted by Cherokee High School                          
                                   Boling Park                                   
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC JV Open
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Bowers, Graham               West Forsyth          17:38.31    1             
  2 Luckhurst, Trevor            South Forsyt          17:38.38    2             
  3 Hopcroft, Nick               Milton High School    17:52.41    3             
  4 Vaughn, Ryan                 South Forsyt          17:54.12    4             
  5 Tady, Lincoln                Milton High School    18:00.34    5             
  6 Franklin, Eric               Milton High School    18:02.37    6             
  7 Hammond, Nate                South Forsyt          18:04.05    7             
  8 Reilly, Benjamin             Milton High School    18:04.11    8             
  9 Pick, Joe                    Milton High School    18:04.82    9             
 10 Callaway, Chase              Milton High School    18:05.31   10             
 11 McKeever, Kai                Milton High School    18:08.07   11             
 12 Jones, Eli                   Milton High School    18:10.57                  
 13 Skipper, Jonah               Lambert HS            18:10.61   12             
 14 Hanlon, Ben                  South Forsyt          18:13.20   13             
 15 Castenada, Luis              Woodstock Hi          18:16.37   14             
 16 Smith, Hunter                West Forsyth          18:17.56   15             
 17 Krauser, Andrew              Milton High School    18:18.01                  
 18 Baule, Blake                 Milton High School    18:18.72                  
 19 Rush, Jack                   Milton High School    18:25.50                  
 20 Fravel, Hayden               Milton High School    18:31.72                  
 21 Akins, Jared                 South Forsyt          18:35.81   16             
 22 Jordan, Jacob                Milton High School    18:35.89                  
 23 Presten, Tommy               South Forsyt          18:39.22   17             
 24 Lloyd, Tucker                Walton High School    18:40.11   18             
 25 Baird, Brice                 Milton High School    18:43.44                  
 26 Smith, Jason                 Walton High School    18:44.17   19             
 27 Roman, Gavin                 Milton High School    18:45.91                  
 28 Wills, Barrett               Walton High School    18:48.67   20             
 29 Kelly, Caden                 Walton High School    18:49.23   21             
 30 Ball, Grayson                West Forsyth          18:50.13   22             
 31 Eastridge, Ian               Woodstock Hi          18:50.97   23             
 32 Bower, Sebastian             South Forsyt          18:51.93   24             
 33 Williams, George             Roswell High School   18:53.67   25             
 34 Sobczak, Taylor              South Forsyt          18:53.99                  
 35 Clancy, Colby                Lambert HS            18:54.77   26             
 36 Malinowski, Chase            Lambert HS            18:57.01   27             
 37 Slatton, Jack                South Forsyt          18:58.61                  
 38 Conton, Logan                West Forsyth          18:58.64   28             
 39 Rajbhandari, Pranav          Walton High School    18:59.27   29             
 40 Ravuri, Eshan                Lambert HS            18:59.83   30             
 41 Lee, Eric                    Milton High School    19:00.71                  
 42 Boerman, Ezra                West Forsyth          19:02.03   31             
 43 Schonberger, Reed            Etowah                19:02.51   32             
 44 McIlwain, Connor             Walton High School    19:05.93   33             
 45 Meade, Ashton                Milton High School    19:07.87                  
 46 Moody, Connor                Milton High School    19:09.70                  
 47 Owens, Will                  Milton High School    19:12.12                  
 48 Skinner, James               Walton High School    19:13.11   34             
 49 Young, Gunnar                Walton High School    19:14.23                  
 50 Palmese, Vince               Woodstock Hi          19:15.05   35             
 51 Patel, Nishant               Lambert HS            19:16.15   36             
 52 Brill, Ross                  Walton High School    19:16.89                  
 53 Healy, Spencer               Walton High School    19:16.95                  
 54 Li, Ryan                     West Forsyth          19:19.35   37             
 55 Butzow, Nick                 Milton High School    19:20.00                  
 56 Aumer, Ethan                 Milton High School    19:20.20                  
 57 Varzavi, Daniel              South Forsyt          19:20.34                  
 58 Friedrichs, Reece            West Forsyth          19:20.49   38             
 59 Everest, Jack                Woodstock Hi          19:21.16   39             
 60 Kirby, Turner                West Forsyth          19:21.53                  
 61 Smith, Nathaniel             West Forsyth          19:22.76                  
 62 Demings, Miles               Milton High School    19:24.03                  
 63 Bennett, Matt                Milton High School    19:24.68                  
 64 Shields, Lucas               Walton High School    19:28.49                  
 65 Alexander, Henry             Walton High School    19:29.09                  
 66 Dominique, Logan             West Forsyth          19:29.44                  
 67 Channell, Ethan              West Forsyth          19:30.08                  
 68 Siegel, Harrison             South Forsyt          19:30.54                  
 69 Reburiano, Alex              South Forsyt          19:30.64                  
 70 Waddell, Jackson             Walton High School    19:30.90                  
 71 Spence, Christian            Walton High School    19:31.50                  
 72 Daker, Grayson               Walton High School    19:32.82                  
 73 Castellano, Evan             West Forsyth          19:32.86                  
 74 Brim, Lain                   Etowah                19:35.83   40             
 75 Rivard, Nicholas             West Forsyth          19:36.59                  
 76 Wilwayco, Austin             Lambert HS            19:38.56   41             
 77 Harris, Jacob                Lambert HS            19:39.02   42             
 78 Brovont, Matt                Milton High School    19:40.98                  
 79 Moreno, Norman               Roswell High School   19:42.87   43             
 80 Rast, Tristan                Milton High School    19:44.00                  
 81 Gordon, Jack                 Milton High School    19:44.06                  
 82 Hwang, Nick                  Lambert HS            19:45.71                  
 83 King, Barrett                Walton High School    19:46.17                  
 84 Smith, Brandon               Milton High School    19:46.39                  
 85 Jungslager, Evan             Milton High School    19:47.24                  
 86 Underwood, Colby             Etowah                19:48.50   44             
 87 Solley, Nick                 Milton High School    19:48.95                  
 88 Clift, Prater                Roswell High School   19:52.66   45             
 89 Seaman, Mark                 Milton High School    19:54.25                  
 90 Sasadu, Noah                 Walton High School    19:56.83                  
 91 McMurry, Max                 Milton High School    19:57.98                  
 92 Nickolason, John             Lambert HS            19:58.59                  
 93 Lopez Ramirez, Carlos        West Forsyth          19:59.76                  
 94 Perkins, Adam                Lambert HS            20:03.55                  
 95 Harris, Jackson              Lambert HS            20:05.62                  
 96 Coppinger, Will              Lambert HS            20:05.67                  
 97 Clark, Brandon               West Forsyth          20:06.45                  
 98 Shelley, Nick                Milton High School    20:06.90                  
 99 Dunkley, Jake                Milton High School    20:07.05                  
100 Campbell, Alex               Milton High School    20:07.75                  
101 Wagenbrenner, Liam           Milton High School    20:09.14                  
102 Hashemi, Matthew             Roswell High School   20:15.19   46             
103 Mandell, Dylan               South Forsyt          20:16.24                  
104 Rodriguez, Jorge             Milton High School    20:20.14                  
105 Maier, Jeremy                Roswell High School   20:25.60   47             
106 Shea, Tyler                  West Forsyth          20:28.38                  
107 Champion, Chandler           Woodstock Hi          20:28.48   48             
108 Sellew, Nick                 Roswell High School   20:28.97   49             
109 Kew, Noah                    Roswell High School   20:29.60   50             
110 Hillman, Nathan              West Forsyth          20:34.83                  
111 Holt, Garrett                Lambert HS            20:40.39                  
112 Keenan, Lenny                Lambert HS            20:45.82                  
113 Boyer, Kelly                 Woodstock Hi          20:46.33   51             
114 Boudreaux, David             West Forsyth          20:51.03                  
115 Peters, Chad                 West Forsyth          20:53.77                  
116 Austin, Luke                 Cherokee              20:54.75   52             
117 Eastridge, Jake              Woodstock Hi          20:55.54   53             
118 Padgett, Caleb               Lambert HS            20:56.08                  
119 Spurlock, Jason              Etowah                20:59.21   54             
120 Rochon, Anthony              Etowah                21:05.63   55             
121 Roberts, Riley               Woodstock Hi          21:12.53                  
122 Fickle, Connor               Lambert HS            21:13.30                  
123 Angra, Krish                 Walton High School    21:13.78                  
124 Ramsey, Griffin              Milton High School    21:19.77                  
125 Clarke, David                Lambert HS            21:21.87                  
126 Schmidt, Colin               South Forsyt          21:23.18                  
127 Brown, Matthew               Milton High School    21:24.78                  
128 Barrett, Alan                Roswell High School   21:25.34                  
129 Chancellor, Banks            Lambert HS            21:27.50                  
130 Bell, Bryan                  West Forsyth          21:28.32                  
131 Lee, Preston                 Cherokee              21:29.33   56             
132 Proschek, Alexander          Lassiter Hig          21:29.74   57             
133 Xuan, Henry                  Lambert HS            21:30.36                  
134 Gordon, Josh                 Milton High School    21:31.05                  
135 Marnell, Beau                Etowah                21:31.38   58             
136 Fernadez, Liam               Lassiter Hig          21:32.41   59             
137 Lam, Alan                    West Forsyth          21:32.71                  
138 Lawton, John                 Milton High School    21:33.46                  
139 Webster, Alex                Roswell High School   21:34.28                  
140 White, Harrison              Woodstock Hi          21:34.72                  
141 Lamonte, Brett               Etowah                21:35.59   60             
142 Keith, Andrew                Lassiter Hig          21:35.90   61             
143 Hanley, Bill                 Lambert HS            21:36.31                  
144 Greenbaum, Braden            Lassiter Hig          21:39.30   62             
145 Griffith, Logan              Roswell High School   21:39.74                  
146 Shulstad, Will               Lambert HS            21:41.22                  
147 Muncy, Zachary               Milton High School    21:42.64                  
148 Phillips, Max                South Forsyt          21:44.27                  
149 Mullis, Garrett              South Forsyt          21:44.45                  
150 Barnes, Brandon              Milton High School    21:46.89                  
151 Kerstin, Braden              Lambert HS            21:47.49                  
152 Esposito, Charlie            Roswell High School   21:48.93                  
153 Lansden, William             Lambert HS            21:49.54                  
154 Worsham, Tyler               Cherokee              21:51.56   63             
155 Smith, Nathan                Milton High School    21:52.33                  
156 Ramesh, Joshua               Lambert HS            21:52.65                  
157 Crosby, Dalton               Lassiter Hig          21:52.72   64             
158 Brockman, Cole               West Forsyth          21:52.72                  
159 McNulty, Kyle                Milton High School    21:53.69                  
160 Hosonitz, Luke               West Forsyth          21:55.80                  
161 Wellman, Conrad              Lassiter Hig          21:56.97   65             
162 Bearden, Stephen             South Forsyt          21:58.15                  
163 Purdy, Christopher           South Forsyt          21:58.44                  
164 Lawrence, Thomas             Woodstock Hi          21:59.95                  
165 Bourne, Alex                 Lassiter Hig          22:05.40   66             
166 Robinson, Joshua             Milton High School    22:06.39                  
167 Johnson, Jakob               Etowah                22:08.20                  
168 Kunich, Kurt                 Lambert HS            22:09.68                  
169 Stuler, Daniel               West Forsyth          22:11.94                  
170 Weltz, Erik                  Etowah                22:15.89                  
171 Robertson, Garrett           Milton High School    22:15.93                  
172 Xu, Eric                     Lambert HS            22:17.84                  
173 Corley, Logan                Cherokee              22:19.99   67             
174 Green, Avery                 West Forsyth          22:21.81                  
175 Vollor, Jackson              South Forsyt          22:23.71                  
176 Garrett, Jared               West Forsyth          22:26.03                  
177 Gomez, Carlos                Roswell High School   22:46.63                  
178 Banks, Christian             Etowah                22:46.85                  
179 Cordak, Michael              Etowah                22:46.87                  
180 Bolton, Ethan                Cherokee              22:59.69   68             
181 White, Ethan                 Milton High School    23:01.40                  
182 Counter, Chase               Milton High School    23:02.89                  
183 McKinney, Josh               Lambert HS            23:05.38                  
184 Wood, Stewart                Milton High School    23:12.66                  
185 McLeod, Tj                   Lambert HS            23:16.42                  
186 Dolive, Luke                 Milton High School    23:17.05                  
187 King, Nick                   Milton High School    23:25.84                  
188 Richter, Mason               Milton High School    23:26.32                  
189 Patel, Roshan                West Forsyth          23:40.06                  
190 Wilson, Cameron              Lassiter Hig          23:43.01                  
191 Zamorano, Angel              Milton High School    23:43.71                  
192 Jannu, Anish                 Milton High School    23:46.97                  
193 Ross, Joe                    Roswell High School   23:57.68                  
194 Moore, Bryson                Milton High School    24:06.38                  
195 Arias, James                 West Forsyth          24:19.01                  
196 Spiller, Joshua              West Forsyth          24:21.10                  
197 Casperson, Jeremiah          Etowah                24:22.27                  
198 Miller, Alec                 Cherokee              24:31.20   69             
199 Johnson, Kenneth             Milton High School    24:34.42                  
200 Cohen, Josh                  South Forsyt          24:35.05                  
201 Hajj, Connor                 Milton High School    24:44.29                  
202 McDannel, Adam               Milton High School    24:45.21                  
203 Cochran, James               Cherokee              24:56.32   70             
204 Guntaka, Rithwik             South Forsyt          25:05.12                  
205 Shelley, Joe                 Milton High School    25:05.70                  
206 Thomes, Evan                 Lambert HS            25:17.59                  
207 Mayo, Garrett                Cherokee              25:41.06                  
208 Penuela, Alejandro           Etowah                26:12.68                  
209 Corona, Eric                 West Forsyth          26:23.36                  
210 Von Hillebrandt, Andrew      Milton High School    26:30.45                  
211 Pilipina, Christian          Cherokee              26:31.22                  
212 Moore, Sam                   Milton High School    26:38.80                  
213 Harkness, Alex               Cherokee              26:39.76                  
214 Braggs, Ryan                 Etowah                27:23.84                  
215 Graner, Andrew               Etowah                27:29.50                  
216 Garramone, Pierce            Forsyth Central       28:50.14                  
217 Sellers, Louis               Milton High School    30:56.97                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Milton High School           31    3    5    6    8    9   10   11          
      Total Time:  1:30:04.05                                                    
         Average:    18:00.81                                                    
   2 South Forsyth High School    42    2    4    7   13   16   17   24          
      Total Time:  1:30:25.56                                                    
         Average:    18:05.12                                                    
   3 West Forsyth High School     97    1   15   22   28   31   37   38          
      Total Time:  1:32:46.67                                                    
         Average:    18:33.34                                                    
   4 Walton High School          107   18   19   20   21   29   33   34          
      Total Time:  1:34:01.45                                                    
         Average:    18:48.29                                                    
   5 Lambert HS                  131   12   26   27   30   36   41   42          
      Total Time:  1:34:18.37                                                    
         Average:    18:51.68                                                    
   6 Woodstock High School       159   14   23   35   39   48   51   53          
      Total Time:  1:36:12.03                                                    
         Average:    19:14.41                                                    
   7 Roswell High School         206   25   43   45   46   47   49   50          
      Total Time:  1:39:09.99                                                    
         Average:    19:50.00                                                    
   8 Etowah                      225   32   40   44   54   55   58   60          
      Total Time:  1:40:31.68                                                    
         Average:    20:06.34                                                    
   9 Lassiter High School        303   57   59   61   62   64   65   66          
      Total Time:  1:48:10.07                                                    
         Average:    21:38.02                                                    
  10 Cherokee                    306   52   56   63   67   68   69   70          
      Total Time:  1:49:35.32                                                    
         Average:    21:55.07