GMC Bulldog Blastoff 2017

Milledgeville, GA

Meet Information

GMC Cross Country Bulldog Blast-off
26 August 2016

6:30 5K College Women
7:15 8k College Men
College races have unlimited entries per team, but will be limited to 10 teams.

Meet Fees:
College - $5 for individual runner $30 per team (men's/women's) or $50 for both.
Late entry Fee: Double entry fee

Payments Checks made payable to
Georgia Military College
Junior College Cross Country
c/o Rob Sherwood
201 E Greene St
Milledgeville, GA 31061

Federal Tax ID number is - 58-0616992

Entry fees must be received before race packets will be distributed. If you cannot mail the check by Monday, August 25, please bring it in person to packet pick-up on race day. Cash also accepted on race day.

Location: Georgia Military College. Start and fish will be on practice athletic fields on East side of campus bordering on the Oconee River Greenway. Parking will be available for busses on the corner of Warren and Greene St, as well as the parking lots on the corner of Warren and Franklin Streets. There is very limited parking by the start finish line and will be reserved for emergency vehicles.

5k Women's College
8k Men's College

This event will not have awards nor will it be professional timed. It is an early season competitive run. We will have a clock, and will score the race, all results will be mailed to the teams. In an effort to keep costs low, this is why there will not be a professional timing company. We are looking for a good time and hope that you will be able to join us.

If you have questions, please

Rob Sherwood

Junior College Cross Country Coach
Georgia Military College
201 E Greene St
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Office Phone: 478-387-4757