Mill Springs Home XC Meet #3 2014

Alpharetta, GA

MS Girls - 2 Mile

 Perfect Timing Group - Contractor License                  HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                    Mill Springs Home XC Meet #3 - 10/2/2014                     
                     Mill Springs Academy in Alpharetta, GA                      
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Girls 2 Mile Run CC MS
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Wellons, Sovi              7 The Heritage School   14:01.02    1             
  2 Richburg, Ellie            8 Whitefield A          14:54.73                  
  3 Meier, Hallie              7 North Cobb C          15:04.59    2             
  4 Smolinski, Julia           6 The Heritage School   15:28.42    3             
  5 Roth, Emery                8 Atlanta Neig          15:56.87    4             
  6 Gersack, Grace             7 Mill Springs          16:02.26    5             
  7 Kirunda, Karen             8 Holy Spirit           16:16.02                  
  8 Jones, Aine                5 North Cobb C          16:18.51    6             
  9 Naughton, Alice            7 The Heritage School   16:25.01    7             
 10 Slovin, Macey              9 The Cottage School    16:39.54                  
 11 Browne, Claire             8 Whitefield A          16:46.03                  
 12 Browne, Caroline           7 Whitefield A          16:48.56                  
 13 Pullen, Shelby             6 Atlanta Neig          16:54.57    8             
 14 Cao, Charlotte             7 The Heritage School   17:13.66    9             
 15 Webb, Zoe                  4 North Cobb C          17:34.93   10             
 16 Cullen Dean, Ivie          8 The Heritage School   17:41.84   11             
 17 Winkler, Emma              6 Holy Spirit           18:14.03                  
 18 Carubia, Ava               7 Atlanta Neig          18:22.70   12             
 19 Henderson, Audrey          7 Mill Springs          18:34.34   13             
 20 Oakes, Cheny               7 Brandon Hall School   18:36.30                  
 21 Poe, Victoria              5 North Cobb C          18:38.03   14             
 22 Doucet, Caitlyn            7 Mill Springs          18:44.59   15             
 23 Menna, Katie               6 North Cobb C          19:05.81   16             
 24 Schwartz, Violet           7 Atlanta Neig          19:12.83   17             
 25 Rapier, Simone             8 Atlanta Neig          20:33.82   18             
 26 Wood, Sarah                7 Atlanta Neig          21:14.49   19             
 27 Hudson, Jane-Elizabeth     6 Atlanta Neig          21:32.36   20             
 28 Terpstra, Avery            6 Mill Springs          21:57.63   21             
 29 Lyles, Grace               8 The Heritage School   22:21.72   22             
 30 Michael, Camille           7 Mill Springs          22:39.68   23             
 31 Freidman, Kendra          12 The Cottage School    22:43.87                  
 32 Hardie, Kaley              5 North Cobb C          24:39.60   24             
 33 Stephens, Mauricia         8 Atlanta Neig          27:37.43                  
 34 Masoudpour, McKenzie       4 North Cobb C          27:46.57   25             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 The Heritage School          31    1    3    7    9   11   22               
      Total Time:  1:20:49.95                                                    
         Average:    16:09.99                                                    
   2 North Cobb Christian         48    2    6   10   14   16   24   25          
      Total Time:  1:26:41.87                                                    
         Average:    17:20.38                                                    
   3 Atlanta Neighborhood Char    59    4    8   12   17   18   19   20          
      Total Time:  1:31:00.79                                                    
         Average:    18:12.16                                                    
   4 Mill Springs Academy         77    5   13   15   21   23                    
      Total Time:  1:37:58.50                                                    
         Average:    19:35.70