The weather was pleasant (finally) for Sectionals this past Saturday. 6A 'B' was held in Tifton Ga, and 6A 'A' was at McEachern and the racing was hot and heavy for both. Surprising the only chatter on the Discussion Board has been very low key. 103 National Elites were achieved in 'A' and currently we have no data for 'B' as of presstime.
6A Sectionals ReCap
Apr 27, 2014
6A Sectional Track Meet Information and Entry Lists
Apr 22, 2014
Coaches - please check your entry lists for the sectionals posted below. Let your Region Secretary know promptly if there are any changes or substitutions. All Entry Lists Updated as of 4/22/2014 11:00AM. The deadline for changes is Noon,Wednesday, April 23, 2014.
Class AAAAAA Sectionals Performance Lists
Apr 23, 2014
Here are the Performance Lists for the AAAAAA Sectionals being held at McEachern HS in Powder Springs and Tift County HS (Tifton)
GHSA Updated Sectionals Meet Programs
Apr 24, 2014
Here are the most updated GHSA Sectional Meet Programs as of 6pm