Tallulah Falls School "Cookies and Quotes" 2013

Tallulah Falls, GA

MS Boys

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit           Registered to: Jennifer Stein, Tallulah Falls School

        M.S. Cookies 'N Quotes - Tallulah Falls School - 9/17/2013 8:52:48 PM        
                         The Farm Course, Tallulah Falls, GA                         

                Middle School Boys 3200 Meter Run                
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Trey Friesel             Tamassee Salem Middl  11:59.00     1
  2 Samuel Wood              Towns Middle School   12:00.00     2
  3 Guy Gober                Rabun County Middle   12:12.00     3
  4 Christopher Swars        Tallulah Falls Middl  12:26.00     4
  5 Keith Cook               Towns Middle School   12:34.00     5
  6 Corbin Henderson         Towns Middle School   12:51.00     6
  7 McKay Alexander          Tamassee Salem Middl  12:59.00     7
  8 Joseph Woodland          Tamassee Salem Middl  13:13.00     8
  9 Cooper Olin              Towns Middle School   13:34.00     9
 10 Noe Correa               Rabun County Middle   13:39.00    10
 11 Jeremy Nash              Rabun Gap Middle Sch  13:42.00    11
 12 Aaron Hughes             Tallulah Falls Middl  13:45.00    12
 13 Jay Reece                Rabun Gap Middle Sch  13:46.00    13
 14 Evan Smith               Tamassee Salem Middl  13:50.00    14
 15 Wade Blackburn           Summit School         13:51.00    15
 16 Nathan Miller            Rabun Gap Middle Sch  13:59.00    16
 17 Ben Griswold             Tallulah Falls Middl  14:01.00    17
 18 Jesse Gulle              Tallulah Falls Middl  14:07.00    18
 19 Kaine Hoffman            Towns Middle School   14:08.00    19
 20 Imanol Diaz              Rabun County Middle   14:08.03    20
 21 Grant Hames              Tallulah Falls Middl  14:17.00    21
 22 Max Teems                Tallulah Falls Middl  14:18.00    --
 23 Matt Barr                Rabun Gap Middle Sch  14:36.00    22
 24 Bryson Heaton            Tallulah Falls Middl  14:39.00    --
 25 Jack Zhao                Rabun Gap Middle Sch  14:48.00    23
 26 Jackson Kingree          Summit School         14:56.00    24
 27 Caleb Griffis            Tallulah Falls Middl  14:59.00    --
 28 Evan Berrong             Towns Middle School   15:08.00    --
 29 Xavier Hogsed            Towns Middle School   15:36.00    --
 30 Alex Barrett             Towns Middle School   15:55.00    --
 31 Dawson Hogsed            Towns Middle School   16:03.00    --
 32 Patrick Woods            Summit School         16:07.00    25
 33 Ed Eidson                Rabun County Middle   16:09.00    26
 34 Kendyl Dills             Rabun County Middle   16:28.00    27
 35 Davis Jennings           Tallulah Falls Middl  17:18.00    --
 36 Nicholas Bradley         Towns Middle School   17:28.00    --
 37 Will Jackson             Tallulah Falls Middl  17:37.00    --
 38 Chase Reece              Towns Middle School   18:28.00    --
 39 John Nichols             Tallulah Falls Middl  18:29.00    --
 40 Will Turner              Summit School         19:01.00    28

          Middle School Boys 3200 Meter Run Team Scores          
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3   (4)  (5) 
  1 Towns Middle School    13      2    5    6    9   19  
      Total Time: 37:25      Average: 12:28.34      1-3 Split: 51
  2 Tamassee Salem Middl   16      1    7    8   14    -  
      Total Time: 38:11      Average: 12:43.67      1-3 Split: 1:14
  3 Tallulah Falls Middl   33      4   12   17   18   21  
      Total Time: 40:12      Average: 13:24.00      1-3 Split: 1:35
  4 Rabun County Middle    33      3   10   20   26   27  
      Total Time: 39:60      Average: 13:19.68      1-3 Split: 1:57
  5 Rabun Gap Middle Sch   40     11   13   16   22   23  
      Total Time: 41:27      Average: 13:49.00      1-3 Split: 17
  6 Summit School          64     15   24   25   28    -  
      Total Time: 44:54      Average: 14:58.00      1-3 Split: 2:16