Sully Shelton
On Wednesday, my flight left at 4:44pm for Portland. I went to one class in the morning, checked out, and did a short shakeout run before leaving for the airport. When I got to my gate, I met up with Sully who somehow got upgraded to first class, and more specifically, seat 1A. It doesn't get much better than that. To my surprise, Sully insisted on sitting beside me in the back of the plane and traded his first class ticket to the fortunate man that was sitting beside me.

The flight was around 5 and half hours and it went by pretty fast. Personally, I watched two space movies while Sully watched a couple of Rom Coms (ex: 5 Feet Apart) and the LEGO Movie 2. After we arrived at PDX, we took a small van with some other NXN athletes to the hotel.

When at the hotel, Sully, Hannah, and I walked to the Chipotle down the road. Sully had a big burrito, Hannah had a hefty serving of water, and I had a salad. We ate with a couple of other Northeast athletes. After dinner, we walked back and had some time to kill so we tried to get on the roof of the hotel. Not to my surprise, we were unsuccessful.