2 Mile- TRUMAN THOMPSON of St. Martin's, 1st at Marist MS XC Meet 9-7 in 12:00 *Double Dip*
3200m- SAWYER McGINNIS of Crisp County, 1st at Lee County Invitational in 11:35
3000m- LUKE SIGMAN of Haymon Morris MS, 1st at North Oconee 9-6 in 11:44
Honorable Mention:
2 Mile: BEN BERGEY of Great Strides, 1st at
Covered Bridge Run MS, in 11:28
2 Mile: IAN VINSON of Great Strides, 2nd at Covered Bridge Run MS in 11:37
2 Mile: JOE SAPONE of Holy Innocents, 1st at Whitefield Academy MS Time Trials in 11:40
3200m- WYATT WADDELL of Lee County, 2nd at Lee County Invitational in 12:07
3000m: BROCK BRUSH of Jefferson MS, 2nd at North Oconee 9-6 in 12:12