(photos by Daniel McCauley)
June 16th, 2018 - Eagles Landing High School
Presented by Fleet Feet Decatur - John Raveling
Sponsored by Shane's Rib Shack

Speakers: Andy Christie, Jimmy Sorrells, Roy Benson and Eric Heintz

Roy Benson - Keynote Speaker

Eric Heintz - Marist - Tips & Tricks for organizing your Team

Jimmy Sorrells - North Forsyth - How important is Periodization....Really?
My Understanding of what Aerobic Power can do for your Athlete

Andy Christie - Mill Creek - Lessons Learned (The Hard Way)
"The first annual Georgia Distance Summit was a great experience! I really enjoyed getting together with other coaches who are interested in learning and constantly trying to improve. The association hopes to continue to build this summit and provide more opportunities for coaches around the state to come together and learn from each other." - Coach Andy Christie

Presented by Fleet Feet Decatur - John Raveling

Coaches Roundtable - Kudos to each and every coach who participated!
A special thanks to Claud Spinks and the GATFXCCA for bringing The Georgia Distance Summit to reality.