All-Classes: Sam Bowers of Milton, 1st at Bob Blastow, 15:00.
AAAAAAA: Nicholas Yanek of Milton, 2nd at Bob Blastow in 15:01.
AAAAAA: Mark White of Lakeside Evans, 1st at Saucony Battle of Atlanta in 16:18.
AAAAA: Nick Nyman of Starrs Mill (1560), 3rd at Bob Blastow in 15:32.
AAAA: Leif Andersen of Marist, 3rd at Saucony Battle of Atlanta in 16:23.
AAA: Shane Shelafoe of East Jackson, 1st at North Georgia Championships.
AA: Jimmy Cochran of Banks County, 6th at North Georgia Championships in 17:14.
A Private: Ryan Johnson of Fellowship Christian, 29th at Bob Blastow in 16:48.
A Public: Jasper Wilson of Gordon Lee, 6th at Ridge Ferry in 16:52.