Sprints: Amir Harris of Parkview HS ran a 21.72 (200m) and 10.72 (100m) at Brookwood - Parkview Dual Meet. (photo by Daniel McCauley)
Hurdles: Latrell Murray of Luella, turned in a pair of top hurdles times going 14.60 (110h) and 38.80 (300h) at Wolverine invitational.
Distance: Jacob McLeod from Trinity Christian, turned in a 4:14.84 at Bartram Trail Bear Classic.
Relays: SW DeKalb won both Sprint relays at the Westlake Lions Showcase going 41.36 (4x100) and 3:19.52 (4x400)
Verticals: Jack Rhea of Calhoun (PICTURED ABOVE) cleared 15-0 at Rome in the Vault, as did Thomas Jolley of Woodland at Wolverine Invitational.
Throws: Michael Willingham of Arabia Mountain tossed the Discus 158-11 at Nike Panther (pr 165-0 at Big Orange last week)
Relays: Alexander Boys 4x800 (7:55.57) at Nike Panther Relays.
Horizontal Jumps: Tyler Jones of Arabia Mountain HS was tops in both horizontal jumps with marks of 23-5 in the LJ and 46-6 (TJ) at Nike Panther Relays.