Boys Track- LJ Smith of Lamar County, 110h- 15.55 @ Lamar Quad. (HJ- 6-06)
Boys Field- Jay Johnson of Jasper County, Long Jump- 22-02 @ Lamar Quad.
Boys Relay- Vidalia 4x100- 42.84 @ Jeff Davis #3.

Nicole Teague of Lovett (photo by Daniel McCauley)
Girls Track- Chelsea Zoller of Holy Innocents, 300h- 43.03 @ McEachern Invitational.
Girls Field- Madelyn Lee of Gordon Lee, Shot Put- 42-1.5 & Discus- 134-6.5.
Girls Field- Nicole Teague of Lovett, LJ- 18-2 & TJ- 35-8.5 @ Marist #3.
Girls Relay- Washington-Wilkes 4x100- 48.81 @ Barberitos Classic.