Week Ga.MileSplit 2A Team Rankings
1. Pace 1st @ Sharptop 17:40
2. Wesleyan off
3. Bleckley off
4. Holy Innocents off
5. Lovett 17th @ Coach Wood 18:39
6. Darlington -No results of Rome Area
7. Benedictine 6th @ RH Fishy 18:35
8. Vidalia 8th @RH Fishy 19:01
9. Union-off
10. Berrien-off
1. Lovett 4th @ Coach Wood 20:15
2. Darlington-no results at press time of Rome Area
3. Wesleyan-off
4. Pace-5th @Shaptop 22:31
5. Holy Innocents-off
6. SVA 2nd @ R.H. Fishy 21:55
7. Rabun 1st @ Riverside 23:48
8. Model-off
9. Lamar-off
10. Bremen-off