National Boys Performer Of The Week (2/18-2/24)

* Thomas Dale (VA) junior Chris Tyree set a new US No. 1 in the 55m this past weekend to score a state title

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It was an athlete out of Georgia, on his season debut, that swept up voting last week. 

Nicholas Ramey dominated National Performer of the Week by garnering over 69-percent of the tallies en route to his win following his US No. 3 performance of 33.70 seconds in the 300m at the University of South Carolina's Indoor Open. 

Congrats goes out to Nick, and all his continued success heading into NBNI. 

Now on to the voting this week. 

Below, we have eight more boys nominees for this week's top honor. Vote in the poll below and let us know your thoughts in the comments. 

Check back Friday to find out the winner. We'll publish National Performer of the Week polls every Monday following the previous week's action. Note: Previous winners can be found below the poll. National rankings are also below the poll.