Woodstock Distance Carnival 2014

Woodstock, GA

Meet Information

Please contact Coach Scharich at kirk.scharich@cherokee.k12.ga.us

10 dollars per athlete
50 dollars per team
100 dollars for boys and girls
Payments Make checks payable to WHS Track

Please submit your athletes times in the event. I will then take the top 14 times and place them in the 1600 meter Inv.
In the 800m I will take out the top 10 times and place them in the 800M Inv.
In the 3200m I will take out the top 16 times and place them in the 3200m Inv.

5pm 1600 meter open boys and girls
5:301600 meter invitational top 14 times boys and girls
6pm 800 meter open boys and girls
6:25pm 800 meter invitational top 10 times boys and girls
7pm Distance medley (1200, 400, 800, 1600) boys and girls
7:50pm 3200 meter open boys and girls
8:35pm 3200 meter invitational top 16 times boys and girls
We have a newly surfaced track, Jumbo tron that will display all results with live video.

Registration help: